Материал из Поле цифровой дидактики

Описание VOMAS (Virtual Overlay Multi-agent System) - подход к описанию многоагентных систем. В основе подхода лежит использование данных для проверки адекватности модели.
Область знаний NetSci, Информатика, Большие данные
Авторы Niazi
Поясняющее видео https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSyNyAlBeh8
Близкие понятия ODD принципы, DREAM
Среды и средства для освоения понятия NetLogo, StarLogo Nova, R

Validation is the process by which we can determine if the model is a representation of the system. This is always performed while keeping the specific abstraction by the designer in mind. Verification is basically the debugging of the system where we ensure that the model that we build is working correctly. Credibility is achieved when the decisionmakers and other key project personnel accept the model as well as its results as “correct”.