Scopus Games (dataset)

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Описание датасета Датасет по публикациям о компьютерных играх, собранный в Scopus
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Примеры использования датасета ВКР Райкова Александра Дмитриевна Развитие навыков вычислительного мышления у детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста при помощи видеоигр
Год создания датасета 2022


Райкова Александра Дмитриевна
Развитие навыков вычислительного мышления у детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста при помощи видеоигр

Датасет в вики

Author Name Year Link
Miller J.A., Cooper S. Case studies in game-based complex learning 2021
Merkouris A., Garneli V., Chorianopoulos K. Programming human-robot interactions for teaching robotics within a collaborative learning open space: Robots playing capture the flag game: Programming human-robot interactions within a collaborative learning open space 2021
Lee C.-S., Yatim J.N. Perception of Parents towards Fun Puzzle Games in Helping Mild Autistic Children Improve Their Computational Thinking Skills 2021
Joseph Agbo F., Sunday Oyelere S., Suhonen J., Tukiainen M. IThinkSmart: Immersive Virtual Reality Mini Games to Facilitate Students' Computational Thinking Skills 2021
Tedre M., Denning P., Toivonen T. CT 2.0 2021
Tucker-Raymond E., Cassidy M., Puttick G. Science teachers can teach computational thinking through distributed expertise 2021
Higashi R., Harpstead E., Solyst J., Kemper J., Odili Uchidiuno J., Hammer J. The design of co-robotic games for computer science education 2021
Çakır N.A., Çakır M.P., Lee F.J. We game on skyscrapers: the effects of an equity-informed game design workshop on students’ computational thinking skills and perceptions of computer science 2021
Huang H., Li Y. Exploring the motivation of livestreamed users in learning computer programming and coding 2021
Agbo F.J., Oyelere S.S., Suhonen J., Laine T.H. Co-design of mini games for learning computational thinking in an online environment 2021
Israel-Fishelson R., Hershkovitz A., Eguíluz A., Garaizar P., Guenaga M. A Log-Based Analysis of the Associations Between Creativity and Computational Thinking 2021
Ba H., Culp K.M., Honey M. Design make play for equity, inclusion, and agency: The evolving landscape of creative STEM learning 2021
Saraiva F., Lima L.V.O., Araújo C., Magalhães L.G., Henriques P.R. SHREWS: A game with augmented reality for training computational thinking 2021
Dutra T.C., Felipe D., Gasparini I., Maschio E. Educational digital games and computational thinking for students with intellectual disabilities - Guidelines for accessibility 2021
Demirkiran M.C., Tansu Hocanin F. An investigation on primary school students’ dispositions towards programming with game-based learning 2021
Soboleva E.V., Suvorova T.N., Zenkina S.V., Bocharov M.I. Developing Computational Thinking of Specialists of the Future Through Designing Computer Games for Educational Purposes 2021
Grizioti M., Kynigos C. Children as players, modders, and creators of simulation games: A design for making sense of complex real-world problems: Children as players, modders and creators of simulation games 2021
Israel-Fishelson R., Hershkovitz A. Micro-persistence and difficulty in a game-based learning environment for computational thinking acquisition 2021
Hooshyar D., Pedaste M., Yang Y., Malva L., Hwang G.-J., Wang M., Lim H., Delev D. From Gaming to Computational Thinking: An Adaptive Educational Computer Game-Based Learning Approach 2021
Grizioti M., Kynigos C. Code the mime: A 3D programmable charades game for computational thinking in MaLT2 2021
Jesus A.M.D., Jesus A.M.D., Silveira I.F. Marco de aprendizaje colaborativo basado en videojuegos para el desarrollo del pensamiento computacional 2021
Repenning A., Basawapatna A. Smacking Screws with Hammers: Experiencing Affordances of Block-based Programming through the Hourglass Challenge 2021
Asbell-Clarke J., Rowe E., Almeda V., Edwards T., Bardar E., Gasca S., Baker R.S., Scruggs R. The development of students’ computational thinking practices in elementary- and middle-school classes using the learning game, Zoombinis 2021
Espinosa M.P.P., Cartagena F.C. Advanced technologies to face the challenge of educational innovation [Tecnologías avanzadas para afrontar el reto de la innovación educativa] 2021
Prompolmaueng W., Wetmaha A., Jamsri P. A Game Development to Promote Computational Thinking 2021
Babic S., Bjelanovic D., Cicin-Sain I.M. Programming and Mathematics through Game 2021
Nutz M., Leifheit L. Computer science unplugged: Developing and evaluating a "Traveling Salesperson Problem" board game 2021
Majgaard G. Quick and dirty group testing of mobile app for educators teaching digital literacy and production 2021
Šiaulys T., Dagienė V. Towards Classification of Interactive Non-programming Tasks Promoting Computational Thinking 2021
Yunus E., Zaibon S.B. Connecting Computational Thinking (CT) Concept with the Game-Based Learning (GBL) Elements 2021
Israel M., Liu T., Moon J., Ke F., Dahlstrom-Hakki I. Methodological considerations for understanding students’ problem solving processes and affective trajectories during game-based learning: A data fusion approach 2021
Almeda M.V., Asbell-Clarke J. Scaffolding executive function in game-based learning to improve productive persistence and computational thinking in neurodiverse learners 2021
Soboleva E.V., Sabirova E.G., Babieva N.S., Sergeeva M.G., Torkunova J.V. Formation of Computational Thinking Skills Using Computer Games in Teaching Mathematics 2021
Zapata-Caceres M., Martin-Barroso E. Applying Game Learning Analytics to a Voluntary Video Game: Intrinsic Motivation, Persistence, and Rewards in Learning to Program at an Early Age 2021
Miller E.S. Designing Interactive Storytelling Games to Teach Computational Thinking 2021
Venkatesh P., Das S., Das A.K. Design and Development of Low-Cost Unplugged Activities for Teaching Computational Thinking at K-5 Level 2021
Panskyi T., Rowińska Z. A Holistic Digital Game-Based Learning Approach to Out-of-School Primary Programming Education 2021
Giannakoulas A., Terzopoulos G., Xinogalos S., Satratzemi M. A Proposal for an Educational Game Platform for Teaching Programming to Primary School Students 2021
Díaz J., López J.A., Sepúlveda S., Villegas G.M.R., Ahumada D., Moreira F. Evaluating aspects of usability in video game-based programming learning platforms 2021
Theodoropoulos A., Poulopoulos V., Lepouras G. Towards a Framework for Adaptive Gameplay in Serious Games that Teach Programming: Association Between Computational Thinking and Cognitive Style 2021
Guenaga M., Eguíluz A., Garaizar P., Gibaja J. How do students develop computational thinking? Assessing early programmers in a maze-based online game 2021
Saidin N.D., Khalid F., Martin R., Kuppusamy Y., Munusamy N.A.P. Benefits and challenges of applying computational thinking in education 2021
Soboleva E.V., Kirillova E.P., Lomakin D.E., Gribkov D.N. Formation of computational thinking skills in the development of computer games for educational purposes [Формирование навыков вычислительного мышления при разработке компьютерных игр образовательного назначения] 2021
Ausiku M., Matthee M. Preparing Primary School Teachers for Teaching Computational Thinking: A Systematic Review 2021
Cano S., Naranjo J.S., Henao C., Rusu C., Albiol‐pérez S. Serious game as support for the development of computational thinking for children with hearing impairment 2021
Hooshyar D., Malva L., Yang Y., Pedaste M., Wang M., Lim H. An adaptive educational computer game: Effects on students' knowledge and learning attitude in computational thinking 2021
Israel-Fishelson R., Hershkovitz A., Eguíluz A., Garaizar P., Guenaga M. The Associations Between Computational Thinking and Creativity: The Role of Personal Characteristics 2021
Schez-Sobrino S., Vallejo D., Glez-Morcillo C., Redondo M.Á., Castro-Schez J.J. RoboTIC: A serious game based on augmented reality for learning programming 2020
P. Rose S., Habgood M.P.J., Jay T. Designing a Programming Game to Improve Children’s Procedural Abstraction Skills in Scratch 2020
Kahila J., Parkki T., Gröhn A., Karvinen A., Telimaa E., Riikonen P., Tiitta R., Haantio P., Keinänen A., Kerkkänen T., Jormanainen I., Penttinen S., Tedre M. Escape Room Game for CT Learning Activities in the Primary School 2020
Arnedo-Moreno J., Garcia-Solorzano D. Programming is Fun! A Survey of the STEAM Digital Distribution Platform 2020
Lin S.-Y., Chien S.-Y., Hsiao C.-L., Hsia C.-H., Chao K.-M. Enhancing Computational Thinking Capability of Preschool Children by Game-based Smart Toys 2020
Kynigos C., Grizioti M. Modifying games with ChoiCo: Integrated affordances and engineered bugs for computational thinking 2020
Ke F., Moon J., Sokolikj Z. Tracking Representational Flexibility Development through Speech Data Mining 2020
Fernandes K.T., Da Silva Aranha E.H., Lucena M.J.N.R., De Souza Fernandes G.L. Developing Computational Thinking and Reading and Writing Skills through an Approach for Creating Games 2020
Schneider G., Bernardini F., Boscarioli C. Teaching CT through Internet of Things in High School: Possibilities and Reflections 2020
Sivaraj R., Ellis J.A., Wieselmann J.R., Roehrig G.H. Computational participation and the learner-technology pairing in K-12 STEM education 2020
Troiano G.M., Schouten D., Cassidy M., Tucker-Raymond E., Puttick G., Harteveld C. All Good Things Come in Threes: Assessing Student-Designed Games via Triadic Game Design 2020
Scirea M., Valente A. Boardgames and Computational Thinking: How to identify games with potential to support CT in the classroom 2020
Barbero G., Gómez-Maureira M.A., Hermans F.F.J. Computational Thinking through Design Patterns in Video Games 2020
Aslina Y.R., Mulyanto A., Niwanputri G.S. Designing 'Bebras' Serious Games Interaction for Indonesian Upper Elementary School Students 2020
Ramadhani N.R., Mulyanto A., Niwanputri G.S. Designing Interaction and User Interface of Computational Thinking Digital Game for Children using User-Centered Design Approach 2020
Elshahawy M., Bakhaty M., Sharaf N. Developing Computational Thinking for Children with Autism using a Serious Game 2020
Israel-Fishelson R., Hershkovitz A. Persistence in a Game-Based Learning Environment: The Case of Elementary School Students Learning Computational Thinking 2020
Min W., Mott B., Park K., Taylor S., Akram B., Wiebe E., Boyer K.E., Lester J. Promoting Computer Science Learning with Block-Based Programming and Narrative-Centered Gameplay 2020
Anuar N.H., Mohamad F.S., Minoi J.-L. Contextualising computational thinking: A case study in remote rural sarawak borneo 2020
Bayeck R.Y. Examining Board Gameplay and Learning: A Multidisciplinary Review of Recent Research 2020
Delzanno G., Guerrini G., Perotto S., Traverso F., Mammoliti S., Staglianò S. Codinji: Welcome to the Coding Jungle! 2020
Threekunprapa A., Yasri P. Unplugged coding using flowblocks for promoting computational thinking and programming among secondary school students 2020
Brooks E., Sjöberg J. A designerly approach as a foundation for school children's computational thinking skills while developing digital games 2020
Gal-Ezer J., Szekely S., Marelly R. Plethora of Skills: Play-Learn-Practice-Invent-Share 2020
Teixeira S., Barbosa D., Araújo C., Henriques P.R. Improving Game-Based Learning Experience through Game Appropriation 2020
Troiano G.M., Chen Q., Alba Á.V., Robles G., Smith G., Cassidy M., Tucker-Raymond E., Puttick G., Harteveld C. Exploring How Game Genre in Student-Designed Games Influences Computational Thinking Development 2020
Elshahawy M., Aboelnaga K., Sharaf N. CodaRoutine: A serious game for introducing sequential programming concepts to children with autism 2020
Utesch M.C., Faizan N.D., Krcmar H., Heininger R. Pic2Program - An educational android application teaching computational thinking 2020
Min W., Frankosky M.H., Mott B.W., Rowe J.P., Smith A., Wiebe E., Boyer K.E., Lester J.C. DeepStealth: Game-Based Learning Stealth Assessment with Deep Neural Networks 2020
Lee V.R., Poole F., Clarke-Midura J., Recker M., Rasmussen M. Introducing coding through tabletop board games and their digital instantiations across elementary classrooms and school libraries 2020
Wright H., Aycock J. 10 binary games for computer science education 2020
Werner L., Denner J., Campe S., Torres D.M. Computational sophistication of games programmed by children: A model for its measurement 2020
Israel-Fishelson R., Hershkovitz A., Eguíluz A., Garaizar P., Guenaga M. Computational thinking and creativity: A test for interdependency 2020
Jen T.-H., Hsu T.-C. The impact of using mobile block-based programming to control robots on the performance of the fifth grader students learning computational thinking in singapore 2020
KARAKASIS C., XINOGALOS S. BlocklyScript: Design and Pilot Evaluation of an RPG Platform Game for Cultivating Computational Thinking Skills to Young Students 2020
Kazimoglu C. Enhancing confidence in using computational thinking skills via playing a serious game: A case study to increase motivation in learning computer programming 2020
Panayotov N., Donald I., Falconer R., Kempe V. Linking gameplay metrics to computational thinking 2020
Dlab M.H., Hoic-Bozic N., Mezak J., Zunic M. Supporting Croatian primary school teachers in designing game based learning activities: A case study 2020
Law R. A pedagogical approach to teaching game programming: Using the PRIMM approach 2020
Repetto L. Educational tasks, fun, and informatics 2020
Wu C.-H., Huang Y.-M. Integration of LUPDA Theory and STEAM with Computational Thinking Concepts to Develop Assessment Principles for an AI Based STEAM Activity 2020
Huang Y.-C., Huang Y.-M., Starcic A.I. Enhancing Students’ Learning Outcomes of a STEAM Permutations Course Through a Game Based Visual Programming Environment with Qualifying Rank Strategy 2020
Law R. A Pedagogical approach to teaching game programming: Using the PRIMM approach 2020
Panayotov N., Donald I., Falconer R., Kempe V. Linking gameplay metrics to computational thinking 2020
Dlab M.H., Hoic-Bozic N., Mezak J., Zunic M. Supporting Croatian primary school teachers in designing game based learning activities: A case study 2020
Félix J.M.R., Cabada R.Z., Estrada M.L.B., Vara J.F. An intelligent learning environment for computational thinking 2020
Valente A., Marchetti E. Stickandclick – sticking and composing simple games as a learning activity 2020
[автор не найден] 2nd International Conference on HCI in Games, HCI-Games 2020, held as part of the 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2020 2020
Scirea M. Adaptive puzzle generation for computational thinking 2020
Stefanidi E., Arampatzis D., Leonidis A., Korozi M., Antona M., Papagiannakis G. MagiPlay: An Augmented Reality Serious Game Allowing Children to Program Intelligent Environments 2020
Comber O., Motschnig R., Mayer H. Chat-interviews as a means to explore students’ attitudes and perceptions on developing video games with unity in computer science classes 2020
Wong Y.S., Hayati M.Y.M., Tan W.H., Yap L.C. A Game-Based Learning Assessment Framework for Learning Ubiquitous Computational Thinking 2020
Steinmaurer A., Pirker J., Gütl C. sCool - Game Based Learning in STEM Education: A Case Study in Secondary Education 2020
Eguíluz A., Guenaga M., Garaizar P., Olivares-Rodríguez C. Exploring the Progression of Early Programmers in a Set of Computational Thinking Challenges via Clickstream Analysis 2020
Su J.-M., Liao C.-T., Chen C.-T., Wang L.-H. A scheme of STEAM interactive learning toy for musical and computational thinking 2019
Tucker-Raymond E., Puttick G., Cassidy M., Harteveld C., Troiano G.M. “I Broke Your Game!”: critique among middle schoolers designing computer games about climate change 2019
Panskyi T., Rowinska Z., Biedron S. Out-of-school assistance in the teaching of visual creative programming in the game-based environment – Case study: Poland 2019
Huang H.-Y., Shih J.-L., Huang S.-H., Liang J.-C. Effects of the interdisciplinary robotic game to elementary school students’abilities of computational thinking and STEM 2019
Vera-Sanchi J., De-Rivero E., Condori-Mamani C., Soncco-Merma V., Suero-Soto G., Villalba-Condori K. Knowledge-based recommendation system for teaching computational thinking in primary level students 2019
De Jesus A.M., Silveira I.F. A collaborative game-based learning framework to improve computational thinking skills 2019
Zhao W., Shute V.J. Can playing a video game foster computational thinking skills? 2019
Klopfenstein L.C., Delpriori S., Maldini R., Bogliolo A. Codycolor: Design of a massively multiplayer online game to develop computational thinking skills 2019
Taylor S., Min W., Mott B., Emerson A., Smith A., Wiebe E., Lester J. Position: IntelliBlox: A Toolkit for Integrating Block-Based Programming into Game-Based Learning Environments 2019
Gaggi O., Petenazzi G. A digital platform for teaching mathematics 2019
Garneli V., Chorianopoulos K. The effects of video game making within science content on student computational thinking skills and performance 2019
Gardeli A., Vosinakis S. ARQuest: A tangible augmented reality approach to developing computational thinking skills 2019
Jiang X., Harteveld C., Huang X., Fung A.Y.H. The computational puzzle design framework: A design guide for games teaching computational thinking 2019
Hershkovitz A., Sitman R., Israel-Fishelson R., Eguíluz A., Garaizar P., Guenaga M. Creativity in the acquisition of computational thinking 2019
Yang K.-H., Lin H.-Y. Exploring the Effectiveness of Learning Scratch Programming with 2019
Fernandez J.M., Palaoag T.D., Cruz J.D. An assessment of the mobile games utilization and it’s effect to one’s computational thinking skills 2019
Tavares Fernandes K., Lucena M., Aranha E. A strategy for the development of computational thinking from game design specifications 2019
Pires F., Maquine Lima F.M., Melo R., Serique Bernardo J.R., De Freitas R. Gamification and engagement: Development of computational thinking and the implications in mathematical learning 2019
Castro E., Sakata T.C., Zaina L.A.M. Playing a computational thinking game using hand gestures: Analyzing childern interaction in a learning tools 2019
Ohland C., Ehsan H., Cardella M.E. Parental influence on children's computational thinking in an informal setting (fundamental research) 2019
Troiano G.M., Snodgrass S., Argimak E., Robles G., Smith G., Cassidy M., Tucker-Raymond E., Puttick G., Harteveld C. Is My game ok Dr. scratch?: Exploring programming and computational thinking development via metrics in student-designed serious games for STEM 2019
Turchi T., Fogli D., Malizia A. Fostering computational thinking through collaborative game-based learning 2019
Nche O.M., Colbert-Busch E., Sitaraman M., Zordan V.B. Presenting CS concepts through multiple representations to engage African-American elementary school children 2019
Comber O., Motschnig R., Mayer H., Haselberger D. Engaging students in computer science education through game development with unity 2019
Jagust T., Krzic A.S., Gledec G., Grgic M., Bojic I. Exploring Different Unplugged Game-like Activities for Teaching Computational Thinking 2019
Akbar M., Dura L., Gates A.Q., Ortega A., Roy M.K., Santiago C., Tellez J.G., Villa E. Sol y Agua: A Game-based Learning Platform to Engage Middle-school Students in STEM 2019
Ehsan H., Ohland C., Dandridge T., Cardella M. Computing for the Critters: Exploring Computational Thinking of Children in an Informal Learning Setting 2019
Moreno-Vera F., Leon-Vera L., Moreno-Motta J., Guizado-Vasquez J., Vera-Panez M. Comparison of the learning curve and adaptive behavior from kids to adults using computational thinking with Block-Programming to Technology Enhanced Learning 2019
Diaz Leon J.A., Abad Jimenez W.E., Barraza Ramirez J.L., Frontado Aldana S.A., Puma Alvites A.T.A., Solorzano Pinzas R.L. Work in progress: Llup'IX 2019
Allsop Y. Assessing computational thinking process using a multiple evaluation approach 2019
Chen Y., Chen Z., Gumidyala S., Koures A., Lee S., Msekela J., Remash H., Schoenle N., Albright S.D., Rebelsky S.A. A middle-school code camp emphasizing digital humanities 2019
Kuo W.-C., Hsu T.-C. Learning effectiveness of using augmented reality to support computational thinking learning board game 2019
Tseng C.-Y., Doll J., Varma K. Exploring evidence that board games can support computational thinking 2019
Wu S.-Y. The design and development of coding poker cards 2019
Liang Y.-S., Hsu T.-C. The learning effectiveness of integrating computational thinking and english oral interaction 2019
Israel-Fishelson R., Hershkovitz A. Micro-persistence in the acquisition of computational thinking 2019
Jhou Y.-J., Yen J.-C., Liao W.-C. The effects of gender differences and learning styles on scratch’s programming performance and computational thinking ability 2019
Plumettaz-Sieber M., Bonnat C., Sanchez E. Debriefing and knowledge processing an empirical study about game-based learning for computer education 2019
Huang H.-Y., Huang S.-H., Shih J.-L., Tsai M.-J., Liang J.-C. Exploring the role of algorithm in elementary school students’ computational thinking skills from a robotic game 2019
Wangenheim G.V.C., Medeiros G.A.S.D., Filho R.M., Petri G., Pinheiro F.D.C., Ferreira M.N.F., Hauck J.C.R. Splash code - a board game for learning an understanding of algorithms in middle school 2019
Hooshyar D., Lim H., Pedaste M., Yang K., Fathi M., Yang Y. AutoThinking: An Adaptive Computational Thinking Game 2019
Frankovic I., Hoic-Bozic N., Dlab M.H., Ivasic-Kos M. Supporting learning programming using educational digital games 2019
Freina L., Ferlino L., Chioccariello A. Game making in italian primary schools: The neglected actor 2019
Hoić-Božić N., Mezak J., Tomljenović K. Enhancing teachers’ computational thinking skills through game based learning 2019
Grizioti M., Kynigos C. Collaborative modding of a simulation game: An approach to the development of computational thinking 2019
Čujdíková M. Create minecraft fame, save the world 2019
Zaibon S.B., Yunus E. Perceptions of computational thinking in game based learning for improving student problem solving skills 2019
Vahldick A., Farah P.R., Marcelino M.J., Mendes A.J.N. NoBug's Snack Bar: A Computational Thinking Serious Game as an Educational Platform 2019
Bottino R., Chioccariello A., Freina L., Tavella M. Digital games in primary schools for the development of key transversal skills 2019
De Souza A.A., Barcelos T.S., Munoz R., Villarroel R., Silva L.A. Data Mining Framework to Analyze the Evolution of Computational Thinking Skills in Game Building Workshops 2019
Steinmaurer A., Pirker J., Gütl C. Scool - Game-based learning in computer science class A case study in secondary education 2019
Lee L.-K., Cheung T.-K., Ho L.-T., Yiu W.-H., Wu N.-I. Learning computational thinking through gamification and collaborative learning 2019
Giannakoulas A., Xinogalos S. Current trends in on-line games for teaching programming concepts to primary school students 2019
[автор не найден] 7th International Conference on Games and Learning Alliance, GALA 2018 2019
Tsarava K., Moeller K., Ninaus M. Board games for training computational thinking 2019
Lakanen A.-J., Kärkkäinen T. Identifying pathways to computer science: The long-term impact of short-term game programming outreach interventions 2019
Richard G.T., Giri S. Digital and physical fabrication as multimodal learning: Understanding youth computational thinking when making integrated systems through bidirectionally responsive design 2019
Tomaiuolo M., Angiani G., Ferrari A., Mordonini M., Poggi A. A week of playing with code, the object-oriented way 2019
Katchapakirin K., Anutariya C. An Architectural Design of ScratchThAI A conversational agent for Computational Thinking Development using Scratch 2018
Wu S.-Y. The development and challenges of computational thinking board games 2018
Werneburg S., Manske S., Feldkamp J., Hoppe H.U. Improving on guidance in a gaming environment to foster computational thinking 2018
Werneburg S., Manske S., Hoppe H.U. CtGameStudio - A game-based learning environment to foster computational thinking 2018
Gandolfi E., Ferdig R.E. Scratching the coding surface: tackling algorithms for inclusion and learning 2018
Hsu T.-C., Chang S.-C., Hung Y.-T. How to learn and how to teach computational thinking: Suggestions based on a review of the literature 2018
Kanaki K., Kalogiannakis M. Introducing fundamental object-oriented programming concepts in preschool education within the context of physical science courses 2018
Filipe Rozeno Rodrigues J., Rodrigo Acosta P., Ramalho T., Marques De Aquino W., Correa De Lima A., Bailo D. Parallel computing: Unplugging to learn 2018
[автор не найден] ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 2018
[автор не найден] ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 2018
Cornejo M.E., Sommer S., Rodriguez J. An approach based on Embodied Programming to teach computer science at a Secondary School 2018
Chang C.-K., Tsai Y.-T. Pair-Programming Curriculum Development of Motion-Based Game for Enhancing Computational Thinking Skills 2018
Gossen F., Kuhn D., Margaria T., Lamprecht A.-L. Computational Thinking: Learning by Doing with the Cinco Adventure Game Tool 2018
Gandolfi E. You have got a (different) friend in me: Asymmetrical roles in gaming as potential ambassadors of computational and cooperative thinking 2018
Rowe E., Asbell-Clarke J., Baker R., Gasca S., Bardar E., Scruggs R. Labeling implicit computational thinking in pizza pass gameplay 2018
Garneli V., Chorianopoulos K. Programming video games and simulations in science education: exploring computational thinking through code analysis 2018
Altanis I., Retalis S., Petropoulou O. Systematic design and rapid development of motion-based touchless games for enhancing students’ thinking skills 2018
Munoz R., Schumacher Barcelos T., Villarroel R. CT4All: Enhancing Computational Thinking Skills in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders 2018
García-Peñalvo F.J., Mendes A.J. Exploring the computational thinking effects in pre-university education 2018
Seoane Pardo A.M. Computational Thinking between Philosophy and STEM - Programming Decision Making Applied to the Behavior of 'Moral Machines' in Ethical Values Classroom 2018
Wu S.-Y., Fang J.-C., Lian S.-M. Design a computational thinking board game based on programming elements 2018
Akram B., Min W., Wiebe E., Mott B., Boyer K.E., Lester J. Improving stealth assessment in game-based learning with LSTM-based analytics 2018
[автор не найден] Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age, CELDA 2018 2018
Mozelius P., Nouri J. Factors to consider when using learning games for learning programming in k-9 education 2018
Rose S., Habgood J., Jay T. Pirate plunder: Game-based computational thinking using scratch blocks 2018
Law R. Introducing novice programmers to functions and recursion using computer games 2018
Leifheit L., Jabs J., Ninaus M., Moeller K., Ostermann K. Programming unplugged: An evaluation of game-based methods for teaching computational thinking in primary school 2018
García-Peñalvo F.J., Reimann D., Maday C. Introducing coding and computational thinking in the schools: The TACCLE 3 – coding project experience 2018
Chiazzese G., Fulantelli G., Pipitone V., Taibi D. Engaging primary school children in computational thinking: Designing and developing videogames [Involucrando a los niños de educación primaria en el Pensamiento Computacional: diseñando y desarrollando videojuegos] 2018
Kirwan C., Costello E., Donlon E. Computational thinking and online learning: A systematic literature review 2018
Ayman R., Sharaf N., Ahmed G., Abdennadher S. MiniColon; Teaching kids computational thinking using an interactive serious game 2018
Margaria T. From computational thinking to constructive design with simple models 2018
Munoz R., Villarroel R., Barcelos T.S., Riquelme F., Quezada A., Bustos-Valenzuela P. Developing Computational Thinking Skills in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder Through Digital Game Programming 2018
Pellas N., Vosinakis S. Learning to think and practice computationally via a 3D simulation game 2018
Dapozo G.N., Greiner C.L., Petris R.H., Espíndola M.C., Company A.M. Introduction to programming based on playful activities in the university 2017
Souza A.A., Barcelos T.S., Munoz R., Silveira I.F., Omar N., Silva L.A. Self-organizing maps to find computational thinking features in a game building workshop 2017
Malizia A., Fogli D., Danesi F., Turchi T., Bell D. TAPASPlay: A game-based learning approach to foster computation thinking skills 2017
Horses I.H.M. AgentDesign: A tool to scaffold software design for elementary students 2017
[автор не найден] ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 2017
Chiazzese G., Fulantelli G., Pipitone V., Taibi D. Promotng computatonal thinking and creatveness in primary school children 2017
[автор не найден] CHI PLAY 2017 Extended Abstracts - Extended Abstracts Publication of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play 2017
Arroyo I., Micciollo M., Casano J., Ottmar E., Hulse T., Rodrigo M.M. Wearable learning: Multiplayer embodied games for math 2017
Rowe E., Asbell-Clarke J., Gasca S., Cunningham K. Assessing implicit computational thinking in Zoombinis Gameplay 2017
Bauer A., Butler E., Popovic Z. Dragon architect: Open design problems for guided learning in a creative computational thinking sandbox game 2017
Fowler A. Engaging young learners in making games: An exploratory study 2017
[автор не найден] ICER 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research 2017
Almeida R., Gomes A., Bigotte M.E., Pessoa T. IProg: Getting started with Programming: Pilot experiment in two elementary schools 2017
Weng X., Wong G.K.W. Integrating computational thinking into english dialogue learning through graphical programming tool 2017
Jenson J., Droumeva M. Revisiting the media generation: Youth media use and computational literacy instruction 2017
Lamprou A., Repenning A., Escherle N.A. The solothurn project - Bringing computer science education to primary schools in Switzerland 2017
Ng P.H.F. Introducing the practices for adopting the constructivist teaching in game engineering 2017
Pellas N., Vosinakis S. How can a simulation game support the development of computational problem-solving strategies? 2017
[автор не найден] 2017 IEEE 5th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health, SeGAH 2017 2017
Lim H. Computational Thinking (CT) and Rebel game Design: CT in health games 2017
Ventura J., Qualls J., Ventura M., McGinnis R., Baker C., Nikaido B. Development of a Video Game Design program in the college of engineering 2017
Melcer E.F., Hollis V., Isbister K. Tangibles vs. mouse in educational programming games: Influences on enjoyment and self-beliefs 2017
Daungcharone K. Enhancement the computational thinking skills via the simulation game 2017
[автор не найден] 2016 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology, RESPECT 2016 and 2nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Computer Society's Special Technical Community on Broadening Participation, STCBP 2016 - Co-located with the STARS Celebration Annual Conference of 2017
[автор не найден] Proceedings - IEEE 8th International Conference on Technology for Education, T4E 2016 2017
Ch’ng S.-I., Lee Y., Chia W.-C., Yeong L.-S. Computational thinking affordances in video games 2017
Litts B.K., Benson S., Lewis W., Mortensen C. Mobile computing in cscl: A hands-on tutorial on the aris game design platform 2017
Huang S.-H., Tseng C.-C., Shih J.-L. The design and evaluation of a STEM interdisciplinary game-based learning about the great voyage 2017
Shih J.-L., Huang S.-H., Lin C.-H., Tseng C.-C. STEAMing the ships for the great voyage: Design and evaluation of a technology-integrated maker game 2017
Tsarava K., Moeller K., Pinkwart N., Butz M., Trautwein U., Ninaus M. Training computational thinking: Game-based unplugged and plugged-in activities in primary school 2017
Law R. Teaching programming using computer games: A program language agnostic approach 2017
Jenson J., Black K.R., De Castell S. Designing, tinkering and making: Implementing digital games in classroom contexts 2017
Weitze C.L. Reflective, creative and computational thinking strategies used when students learn through making games 2017
Fogli D., Danesi F., Malizia A., Turchi T., Bell D. Sustaining cultures of participation by fostering computational thinking skills through game-play 2017
Madeira C. Introduction to computational thinking with scratch [Introdução ao pensamento computacional com scratch] 2017
Guenaga M., Mentxaka I., Garaizar P., Eguiluz A., Villagrasa S., Navarro I. Make world, a collaborative platform to develop computational thinking and STEAM 2017
Min W., Frankosky M.H., Mott B.W., Wiebe E.N., Boyer K.E., Lester J.C. Inducing stealth assessors from game interaction data 2017
Francisco J.G.-P., Juan C.-B. Computational thinking in pre-university education 2016
Antonio M.S.-P. Computational thinking beyond STEM: An introduction to "moral machines" and programming decision making in Ethics classroom 2016
Lamprecht A.-L., Margaria T., McInerney C. A Summer Computing Camp Using ChainReaction and jABC 2016
de Jesus G.A., das Dores Páris C.P., Silva Santos A.N.F., Martins N.C. Playing with programming: A serious game to start programming 2016
Nikaido B., Ventura J. Code puzzles - Robot Chronicle 2016
Cabo C., Lansiquot R.D. Integrating creative writing and computational thinking to develop interdisciplinary connections 2016
Vahldick A., Mendes A.J., Marcelino M.J. Towards a constructionist serious game engine 2016
Isaac J., Babu S.V. Supporting computational thinking through gamification 2016
Buffum P.S., Frankosky M., Boyer K.E., Wiebe E.N., Mott B.W., Lester J.C. Collaboration and gender equity in game-based learning for middle school computer science 2016
Horn B., Clark C., Strom O., Chao H., Stahl A.J., Harteveld C., Smith G. Design insights into the creation and evaluation of a computer science educational game 2016
Lansiquot R.D., Cabo C. Making connections: Writing stories and writing code 2016
Law B. Puzzle games: A metaphor for computational thinking 2016
[автор не найден] 15th International Conference on Advances in Web-Based Learning, ICWL 2016 2016
Silva V., Souza A., Morais D. Computational thinking in computer education in schools: An experience report Internship Course in Degree in Computing in public schools [Pensamento computacional no ensino de computação em escolas: Um relato de experiência de estágio em licenciatura em computação em escolas públicas] 2016
Díaz L.M., Gaytán-Lugo L.S. Computer animation as a vehicle for teaching computational thinking 2016
Schmidt M., Beck D. Computational thinking and social skills in Virtuoso: An immersive, digital game-based learning environment for youth with autism spectrum disorder 2016
[автор не найден] 2nd International Conference on Immersive Learning Research Network, iLRN 2016 2016
Romero M., Ouellet H. Scaffolding digital game design activities grouping older adults, younger adults and teens 2016
Jenson J., Droumeva M. Exploring media literacy and computational thinking: A game maker curriculum study 2016
Weintrop D., Holbert N., Horn M.S., Wilensky U. Computational thinking in constructionist video games 2016
Bauer A., Butler E., Popovic Z. Approaches for teaching computational thinking strategies in an educational game: A position paper 2015
Worrell B., Brand C., Repenning A. Collaboration and Computational Thinking: A classroom structure 2015
Falcão T.P., Gomes T.C.S., Albuquerque I.R. Computational thinking through children's games: An analysis of interaction elements [O pensamento computacional através de jogos infantis: Uma análise de elementos de interação] 2015
Buffum P.S., Frankosky M., Boyer K.E., Wiebe E., Mott B., Lester J. Leveraging collaboration to improve gender equity in a game-based learning environment for middle school computer science 2015
Gee E.R., Tran K.M. Video game making and modding 2015
Nickerson H., Brand C., Repenning A. Grounding computational thinking skill acquisition through contextualized instruction 2015
Ventura M., Ventura J., Baker C., Viklund G., Roth R., Broughman J. Development of a video game that teaches the fundamentals of computer programming 2015
Repenning A., Webb D.C., Koh K.H., Nickerson H., Miller S.B., Brand C., Horses I.H.M., Basawapatna A., Gluck F., Grover R., Gutierrez K., Repenning N. Scalable game design: A strategy to bring systemic computer science education to schools through game design and simulation creation 2015
Lee C.H., Garcia A.D. "I want them to feel the fear...": Critical computational literacy as the new multimodal composition 2015
Basawapatna A., Repenning A., Koh K.H. Closing the cyberlearning loop: Enabling teachers to formatively assess student programming projects 2015
Romero M. Digital game design for collaborative learning 2015
Jenson J., Droumeva M. Making games with game maker: A computational thinking curriculum case study 2015
Min W., Frankosky M.H., Mott B.W., Rowe J.P., Wiebe E., Boyer K.E., Lester J.C. DeepStealth: Leveraging deep learning models for stealth assessment in game-based learning environments 2015
Kotini I., Tzelepi S. A gamification-based framework for developing learning activities of computational thinking 2015
Lansiquot R.D., Cabo C. Strategies to Integrate Writing in Problem-Solving Courses: Promoting Learning Transfer in an Interdisciplinary Context 2015
Roscoe J.F., Fearn S., Posey E. Teaching computational thinking by playing games and building robots 2014
Werner L., Denner J., Campe S. Children programming games: A strategy for measuring computational learning 2014
Leanna Prater M.A., Mazur J.M. Embedded standards-based digital gaming assessments: Pilot study with teachers 2014
Boechler P., Artym C., Dejong E., Carbonaro M., Stroulia E. Computational thinking, code complexity, and prior experience in a videogame-building assignment 2014
Lee M.J., Bahmani F., Kwan I., Laferte J., Charters P., Horvath A., Luor F., Cao J., Law C., Beswetherick M., Long S., Burnett M., Ko A.J. Principles of a debugging-first puzzle game for computing education 2014
Cateté V., Wassell K., Barnes T. Use and development of entertainment technologies in after school STEM program 2014
Wang D., Wang T., Liu Z. A tangible programming tool for children to cultivate computational thinking 2014
Klein L. Meleon - A casual mobile game supporting immersion and reflection in learning 2013
Duncan S.C. Collaboration in a non-digital, computational game space 2013
Doore K. Alternate realities for computational thinking 2013
Lee C.H., Garcia A.D. "I Want Them to Feel the Fear...": Critical computational literacy as the new multimodal composition 2013
[автор не найден] 6th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2013 2013
Rodríguez F.J., Kerby N.D., Boyer K.E. Informing the design of a game-based learning environment for computer science: A pilot study on engagement and collaborative dialogue 2013
Makris D., Euaggelopoulos K., Chorianopoulos K., Giannakos M.N. Could you help me to change the variables? Comparing instruction to encouragement for teaching programming 2013