Let' fly

Материал из Поле цифровой дидактики

Описание модели Most programs are going on the ground, but dragons and birds want fly, too! Seagull small, they climb on the tree and... flies high, where hungry dragons can't eat them. But them shoud be careful, clouds will stop there beautiful flight and the back to the ground. Dragons are very heavy, so only powerful wind coul let them fly, but this power will back all birds to the ground and could destroy cloud and, maybe make more ones. Seagulls are smart birds, they lay eggs, so if you see, that our brave birds are little count, make more of them...
Область знаний Игра, Моделирование
Веб-страница - ссылка на модель https://www.slnova.org/Dimentry/projects/929399/
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