Самоконтроль цифровой

Материал из Поле цифровой дидактики

Описание Использование цифровых средств digital self-control tools для самоконтроля обучения - блокирование отвлекающих сайтов, визуализация времени, проведённого на образовательных ресурсах, количество решенных задач и т.п.
Область знаний Образование
Поясняющее видео
Близкие понятия Аналитика учебная
Среды и средства для освоения понятия дашборд

In recent years, digital self-control tools (DSCTs) have emerged to support the self-control of students. DSCTs come in a variety of forms. There are, for instance, website blockers that allow users to block access to digital content on their devices, visualizations that show users how much time they spend on digital content, in the hope that this will lead to a change in behaviour, or reminders that pop up when a user spends too much time on digital distractions . Aside from these very common examples, there are many more such tools with a variety of ingenious features to support self-control and mitigate distractions. Some of these we will present in the latter sections of this paper, and we encourage interested readers to visit the app stores of their preferred device to view the diversity of tools for themselves.