Сетевое мышление

Материал из Поле цифровой дидактики
Версия от 10:45, 25 октября 2022; Patarakin (обсуждение | вклад)
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Описание Сетевое мышление - network thinking - как особый подход к рассмотрению сложных систем через их сетевые характеристики - распределение связей, коэффициенты кластеризации, длины путей и т.д.
Область знаний NetSci, Информатика, Образование
Авторы Барабаши
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Близкие понятия Сетевой анализ
Среды и средства для освоения понятия NetLogo
  1. Völker B. Network Thinking in Human Geography: Musings of a Newbie // Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie. 2021. Т. 112. № 4. С. 474–481.
    • A hallmark for network thinking as well as for network visualization is the study of the psychiatrist Moreno (1934) who tried to understand why particular girls who were stationed in a psychiatric hospital ran away from the institution. He found that network embeddedness, and simply who talked to whom and sat next to whom, was an important part of the explanation. Findings were made visible by what he called ‘sociograms’. As of today, sociograms are still used as an instrument to visualize structures of interaction or preferences, amongst others, by teachers in classrooms of primary schools.