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Примеры использования датасета В статье "Связь цифрового компонента обучения и развития детей дошкольного и школьного возраста: обзор исследований и международных образовательных практик"
Год создания датасета 2020

Данные в вики

Название Авторы DOI Ключевые слова
Students' Beliefs on Classroom Didactics of Second Language Teaching in the 21st Century Sántha-Malomsoki A., Sántha K. 10.2478/ausp-2019-0014 CLIL; structured interview; student beliefs; technology-enhanced language learning (TELL)
Biology reading literacy: Measurement and empowerment through circ learning model Ristanto R.H., Darmawan E. 10.17478/JEGYS.679378 Biology; CIRC; Cooperative; Reading literacy
The high potential of computer-based reading assessment [Le potentiel élevé de l'évaluation informatisée de la lecture] Auphan P., Ecalle J., Magnan A. 10.21432/cjlt27847 Computer-based assessment; Primary and secondary children; Reading comprehension; Reliability; Validity; Word reading
1 Slash 100%: Gamification of mathematics with hybrid QR-based card game Yung O.C., Junaini S.N., Kamal A.A., Md Ibharim L.F. 10.11591/ijeecs.v20.i3.pp1453-1459 Game-based learning; Interactive learning; Mathematics education; Serious game development; STEM
A cultural comparison of Persian and English short stories regarding the use of emotive words: implications for teaching English to Iranian young learners Namaziandost E., Nasri M., Rahimi Esfahani F., Neisi L., Ahmadpour KarimAbadi F. 10.1186/s40862-020-00085-z Academic emotions; Cross-cultural analysis; Emotive words; Pragmatic knowledge; Short stories
Designing a Programming Game to Improve Children’s Procedural Abstraction Skills in Scratch P. Rose S., Habgood M.P.J., Jay T. 10.1177/0735633120932871 block-based programming; computational thinking; computer science education; game design; game-based learning; Pirate Plunder; procedural abstraction
ELT teachers’ epistemological beliefs and dominant teaching style: a mixed method research Soleimani N. 10.1186/s40862-020-00094-y Beliefs; EFL teachers; EFL teachers; Epistemology; Teaching style
Schools overcoming the digital divide: in depth analyses towards organizational resilience in the computer and information literacy domain Drossel K., Eickelmann B., Vennemann M. 10.1186/s40536-020-00087-w Computer and information literacy; IEA-ICILS 2018; Organisational resilience; School effectiveness; School improvement in the digital age, secondary schools
A conceptual framework for teaching computational thinking in personalized OERs Moon J., Do J., Lee D., Choi G.W. 10.1186/s40561-019-0108-z Computational Thinking; Learning Analytics; Open Educational Resource; Personalization
Identifying profiles of students’ school climate perceptions using PISA 2015 data Rohatgi A., Scherer R. 10.1186/s40536-020-00083-0 Achievement motivation; Latent profile analysis; PISA; School climate; Science achievement
Wearable device adoption among older adults: A mixed-methods study Farivar S., Abouzahra M., Ghasemaghaei M. 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2020.102209 Cognitive age; Complexity; Older adults; Smart wearable devices; Subjective well-being
Sociomateriality of collaboration within a small team in secondary school maker-centered learning project Mehto V., Riikonen S., Kangas K., Seitamaa-Hakkarainen P. 10.1016/j.ijcci.2020.100209 Collaboration; Maker-centered learning; Secondary school; Small team; Sociomateriality; Video analysis
Spatial activity participation in childhood and adolescence: consistency and relations to spatial thinking in adolescence Peterson E.G., Weinberger A.B., Uttal D.H., Kolvoord B., Green A.E. 10.1186/s41235-020-00239-0 Sex differences; Spatial activities; Spatial cognition; Spatial skills
Effectiveness of digital-based interventions for children with mathematical learning difficulties: A meta-analysis Benavides-Varela S., Zandonella Callegher C., Fagiolini B., Leo I., Altoè G., Lucangeli D. 10.1016/j.compedu.2020.103953 Digital-based tools; Dyscalculia; Educational videogames; Intervention effects; Mathematical difficulties; Mathematical disabilities; Media in education
Consequences of curricular adaptation strategies for implementation at scale Drayton B., Bernstein D., Schunn C., McKenney S. 10.1002/sce.21595 curricula; design; scale; science; teacher adaptation
Teachers’ self-efficacy and intercultural classroom practices in diverse classroom contexts: A cross-national comparison Romijn B.R., Slot P.L., Leseman P.P.M., Pagani V. 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2020.08.001 Cross-national; Culturally diverse classrooms; Intercultural classroom practices; Teacher self-efficacy
Orthographic consistency influences morphological processing in reading aloud: Evidence from a cross-linguistic study Mousikou P., Beyersmann E., Ktori M., Javourey-Drevet L., Crepaldi D., Ziegler J.C., Grainger J., Schroeder S. 10.1111/desc.12952 cross-linguistic; morphology; orthographic consistency; reading acquisition
Are screen devices soothing children or soothing parents?Investigating the relationships among children's exposure to different types of screen media, parental efficacy and home literacy practices Chen C., Chen S., Wen P., Snow C.E. 10.1016/j.chb.2020.106462 Home literacy; Media education; Mobile device; parental Efficacy; Screen viewing
Direct and indirect effects of literacy skills and writing fluency on writing quality across three genres Troia G.A., Brehmer J.S., Glause K., Reichmuth H.L., Lawrence F. 10.3390/educsci10110297 Handwriting fluency; Path analysis; Serial mediation; Typing fluency; Writing quality
Parents’ views on family resiliency in sustainable remote schooling during the COVID-19 outbreak in Finland Koskela T., Pihlainen K., Piispa-Hakala S., Vornanen R., Hämäläinen J. 10.3390/su12218844 COVID-19 pandemic; Inclusive education; Parents; Remote schooling; Resilience; Sustainable society
Children’s solving of ‘Tower of Hanoi’ tasks: dynamic testing with the help of a robot Resing W.C.M., Vogelaar B., Elliott J.G. 10.1080/01443410.2019.1684450 complex reasoning; computerised dynamic testing; Dynamic testing; planning; Tower of Hanoi
Children’s Narrative Elaboration After Reading a Storybook Versus Viewing a Video Crawshaw C.E., Kern F., Mertens U., Rohlfing K.J. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.569891 digital media; narrative elaboration; narrative retelling; narrative skill development; non-verbal IQ
A Book Interaction Scheme to Enhance Children’s Reading Experiences and Preferences Zhang M., Hou G., Chen Y.-C., Zhang T., Yang J. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02155 affective experience; interaction design; reading preference; usability; user experience
A Comparison of Social Robot to Tablet and Teacher in a New Script Learning Context Zhexenova Z., Amirova A., Abdikarimova M., Kudaibergenov K., Baimakhan N., Tleubayev B., Asselborn T., Johal W., Dillenbourg P., CohenMiller A., Sandygulova A. 10.3389/frobt.2020.00099 child learning; cognitive learning theory; human-robot interaction; interdisciplinary; language learning; learning by teaching; social robot
Examining Indonesian secondary school mathematics teachers' instructional practice in the integration of technology Mailizar M., Fan L. 10.13189/ujer.2020.081038 ICT in Teaching; Indonesian Mathematics Education; Teacher Classroom Practice; Technology in the Mathematics Classroom
Using active learning with smart board to enhance primary school students' higher order thinking skills in data handling Abdullah A.H., Mun S.H., Mokhtar M., Ashari Z.M., Jumaat N.F., Ali D.F., Samah N.A., Abdurrahman M.S. 10.13189/ujer.2020.081009 Active Learning; Data Handling; Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS); Smart Board
Combining physical and cognitive training to improve kindergarten children's executive functions: A cluster randomized controlled trial Schmidt M., Mavilidi M.F., Singh A., Englert C. 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2020.101908 Accelerometer; Chronic exercise; Cognition; Mental effort; Physical activity; School
Refugee students' perspectives on inclusive and exclusive school experiences in Austria Bešić E., Gasteiger-Klicpera B., Buchart C., Hafner J., Stefitz E. 10.1002/ijop.12662 Friendships; Refugee students; School connectedness; Social exclusion; Social support
Academic supervision to improve teachers' readiness in utilizing information and communication technology in vocational high schools Istiningsih E., Suyatno, Widodo 10.13189/ujer.2020.081002 Academic Supervision; Information and Communication Technology; Vocational High School
Participative multilingual identity construction in the languages classroom: a multi-theoretical conceptualisation Fisher L., Evans M., Forbes K., Gayton A., Liu Y. 10.1080/14790718.2018.1524896 multilingual education; multilingual identity; Multilingualism; participation; reflexivity; self
Geography teachers’ knowledge of and perceptions on dyslexia Passadelli A.S., Klonari A., Michalakis V.I., Vaitis M. 10.3390/educsci10100278 Dyslexia; Geography education; Geography teachers’ knowledge; Perceptions
A longitudinal analysis of the alignment between children’s early word-level reading trajectories, teachers’ reported concerns and supports provided Graham L.J., White S.L.J., Tancredi H.A., Snow P.C., Cologon K. 10.1007/s11145-020-10023-7 Early identification; Intervention; Longitudinal; Persistent reading difficulties; Support provision; Teacher knowledge
Students' experience with flipped learning approach in higher education Zain F.M., Sailin S.N. 10.13189/ujer.2020.081067 Active Learning; Collaborative Learning; Engagement Model; Flipped Learning; Fun Learning; Meaningful Learning; Technology Enhanced Learning
The change in students’ attitude towards favourable and unfavourable factors of online learning environments Valantinaitė I., Sederevičiūtė-Pačiauskienė Ž. 10.3390/su12197960 E-learning; Flipped classroom; ICT; Online learning environment; Student-teacher communication; Ubiquitous learning
Improvement of memory and motivation in language learning in primary education through the interactive digital whiteboard (IDW): The future in a post-pandemic period Bautista-Vallejo J.M., Hernández-Carrera R.M., Moreno-Rodriguez R., Lopez-Bastias J.L. 10.3390/su12198109 ICT; Interactive digital whiteboard; Language learning; Memory; Motivation
Embedded information problem-solving instruction to foster learning from digital sources: Longitudinal effects on task performance Pifarré M., Argelagós E. 10.3390/SU12197919 Embedded instruction; Information problem solving; Internet; Long-term instruction; Longitudinal study; Secondary education; Supporting tools; Whole-task approach
Promoting reading achievement in children with developmental language disorders: What can we learn from research on specific language impairment and dyslexia? Adlof S.M. 10.1044/2020_JSLHR-20-00118
Epistemic vigilance online: Textual inaccuracy and children's selective trust in webpages Einav S., Levey A., Patel P., Westwood A. 10.1111/bjdp.12335 epistemic monitoring; misinformation; online critical literacy; selective trust; source evaluation; testimony
Interactional theory of childhood problematic media use Domoff S.E., Borgen A.L., Radesky J.S. 10.1002/hbe2.217 addiction; childhood; mobile device; parent; persuasive design; problematic; theory
The access to literacy assessment system for phonological awareness: An adaptive measure of phonological awareness appropriate for children with speech and/or language impairment Skibbe L.E., Bowles R.P., Goodwin S., Troia G.A., Konishi H. 10.1044/2020_LSHSS-19-00006
Direct and indirect pathways from children's early self-regulation to academic achievement in fifth grade in Norway Lenes R., McClelland M.M., ten Braak D., Idsøe T., Størksen I. 10.1016/j.ecresq.2020.07.005 Academic achievement; Classroom behavior; Longitudinal effects; School readiness; Self-regulation
How we fail children with developmental language disorder McGregor K.K. 10.1044/2020_LSHSS-20-00003
How outreach facilitates family engagement with universal early childhood health and education services in Tasmania, Australia: An ethnographic study Jose K., Taylor C.L., Venn A., Jones R., Preen D., Wyndow P., Stubbs M.L., Hansen E. 10.1016/j.ecresq.2020.05.006 Early childhood services; Ethnography; Family Engagement; Outreach
Hybrid physical education teaching and curriculum design based on a voice interactive artificial intelligence educational robot Yang D., Oh E.-S., Wang Y. 10.3390/su12198000 Artificial intelligence; Educational psychology; Educational robot; Hybrid physical education; Voice interaction
Always look on the bright side of students: does valence of teacher perceptions relate to students’ educational performance? Tandler N., Dalbert C. 10.1007/s11218-020-09573-z Educational attainment; Longitudinal design; Multilevel analyses; Self-fulfillingprophecies; Teacher expectations; Teacher perceptions
The role of external and internal team coaches in teacher design teams. A mixed methods study Compen B., Schelfhout W. 10.3390/educsci10100263 Mixed methods; Teacher design team; Teacher professional development; Team coach; Team learning
Consistent use of proactive control and relation with academic achievement in childhood Kubota M., Hadley L.V., Schaeffner S., Könen T., Meaney J.-A., Auyeung B., Morey C.C., Karbach J., Chevalier N. 10.1016/j.cognition.2020.104329 Academic achievements; AX continuous performance task; Cued task-switching paradigm; Proactive control; Verbal speed; Working memory
Early Sensitivity to Morphology in Beginning Readers of Arabic El Akiki C., Content A. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.552315 Arabic language; morphological awareness; morphology; reading acquisition; root/pattern structure
The Impact of the Digital Home Environment on Kindergartners’ Language and Early Literacy Segers E., Kleemans T. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.538584 digital home environment; early literacy; home literacy environment; kindergarten; parental expectations
From Storybooks to Novels: A Retrospective Approach Linking Print Exposure in Childhood to Adolescence Tremblay B., Rodrigues M.L., Martin-Chang S. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.571033 adolescence; print exposure; reading for pleasure; shared storybook reading; spelling; word reading
A Perspective on Implementing Movement Sonification to Influence Movement (and Eventually Cognitive) Creativity Oppici L., Frith E., Rudd J. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02233 affordance; creative; creative cognition; education; embodied cognition; exercise-cognition; functional similarity
Development and Early Implementation of a Public Communication Campaign to Help Adults to Support Children and Adolescents to Cope With Coronavirus-Related Emotions: A Community Case Study Raccanello D., Vicentini G., Rocca E., Barnaba V., Hall R., Burro R. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02184 adolescents; children; communication campaign; coping strategies; coronavirus; emotions
Characteristics of Children’s Media Use and Gains in Language and Literacy Skills Dore R.A., Logan J., Lin T.-J., Purtell K.M., Justice L. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02224 co-viewing; interactivity; joint media engagement; language; literacy; media
Shared Book-Reading in Early Childhood Education: Teachers’ Mediation in Children’s Communicative Development Cárdenas K., Moreno-Núñez A., Miranda-Zapata E. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02030 communicative development; early childhood education; infant development; shared book-reading; teaching practices; triadic interaction
Preschoolers Benefit Equally From Video Chat, Pseudo-Contingent Video, and Live Book Reading: Implications for Storytime During the Coronavirus Pandemic and Beyond Gaudreau C., King Y.A., Dore R.A., Puttre H., Nichols D., Hirsh-Pasek K., Golinkoff R.M. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02158 contingency; coronavirus disease; literacy; online learning; reading; video chat; vocabulary
Teacher Characteristics and Children’s Educational Attainment in Ghana: Do Some Teacher Characteristics Matter More for Children Attending Disadvantaged Schools? Nyatsikor M.K., Sosu E.M., Mtika P., Robson D. 10.3389/feduc.2020.00162 disadvantaged schools; educational attainment; educational inequality; socioeconomic disadvantage; teacher characteristics; teacher effectiveness
Classroom effect on primary school students’ self-concept in literacy and mathematics Vasalampi K., Pakarinen E., Torppa M., Viljaranta J., Lerkkanen M.-K., Poikkeus A.-M. 10.1007/s10212-019-00439-3 Academic skills; Classroom effect; Primary school; Self-concept of ability; The big-fish-little-pond effect
The rural child and the ambivalence of education in Zimbabwe: What can bricolage do? Dube B., Jita L. 10.13189/ujer.2020.080911 Bricolage; Multigrade Class; Participatory Action Research; Rural Schools
Headsprout Early Reading for Specific Literacy Difficulty: A Comparison Study Storey C., McDowell C., Leslie J.C. 10.1007/s10864-019-09336-7 Computer-assisted instruction; Emergent literacy; Headsprout; Literacy difficulty; Reading instruction
Interdisciplinary learning in mathematics and science: transfer of learning for 21st century problem solving at university Nakakoji Y., Wilson R. 10.3390/jintelligence8030032 21 century skills; Interdisciplinary; Mathematics; Problem solving; Science; Think-aloud; Transfer; University
Transparency of digital native and embedded advertising: Opportunities and challenges for regulation and education van Reijmersdal E.A., Rozendaal E. 10.1515/commun-2019-0120 Education; Future research; Native advertising; Regulation
Effects of the Google meet assisted method of learning on building student knowledge and learning outcomes Setyawan A., Aznam N., Paidi, Citrawati T., Kusdianto 10.13189/ujer.2020.080917 Building Knowledge; Learning Outcomes; Lecture Method
Learning Foreign Language Vocabulary with Gestures and Pictures Enhances Vocabulary Memory for Several Months Post-Learning in Eight-Year-Old School Children Andrä C., Mathias B., Schwager A., Macedonia M., von Kriegstein K. 10.1007/s10648-020-09527-z Enrichment; Foreign language education; Gesture; Multisensory learning; Sensorimotor learning; Vocabulary learning
Building agency through technology-aided dialogic teaching Omland M., Rødnes K.A. 10.1016/j.lcsi.2020.100406 Agency; Dialogue; Microblogs; Positioning; Technology-aided teaching
An inferentialist account of students’ collaboration in mathematics education Seidouvy A., Schindler M. 10.1007/s13394-019-00267-0 Collaboration; Data generation; Inferentialism; Norms; Philosophy
Evidence from google trends of a widening second-level digital divide in Brazil. Even worse with the Covid-19 [Evidências do Google Trends de uma Crescente Exclusão Digital de Segundo Nível no Brasil] dos Santos R.P., Şahin Bülbül M., Lemes I.L. 10.17648/ACTA.SCIENTIAE.6006 Brazil; Google Trends; Internet access; Internet use; Second-level digital divide
Knowledge society failure? Barriers in the use of ICTs and further teacher education in the Czech Republic Mynaříková L., Novotnỳ L. 10.3390/SU12176933 Barriers in the use of ICT; Computer anxiety; Digital competencies; Further education; ICT; Knowledge society; Secondary school teachers
Development of mobile learning media (Mlm) to enchance students’ understanding of cnc programming subjects Irmawan S., Suharno, Saputro H. 10.30534/ijatcse/2020/158952020 Computer Numerical Control; Mobile Learning Media; Vocational High Schools
Analysis of sustainability knowingness, attitudes and behavior of a Spanish pre-service primary teachers sample Marcos-Merino J.M., Corbacho-Cuello I., Hernández-Barco M. 10.3390/SU12187445 Higher education; Pre-service primary teachers; Primary education; Sustainability attitudes; Sustainability behavior; Sustainability consciousness; Sustainability knowingness
Porous boundaries: Reconceptualising the home literacy environment as a digitally networked space for 0–3 year olds Flewitt R., Clark A. 10.1177/1468798420938116 0–3 year olds; digital literacies; digital technologies; early childhood literacy; ecological perspective; home learning; home literacy environment; multimodality; networked perspective; parents
Young children’s digital literacy practices in the sociocultural contexts of their homes Kumpulainen K., Sairanen H., Nordström A. 10.1177/1468798420925116 digital literacy practices; home; qualitative research; sociocultural approach; Young children
Identification of Reading Difficulties by a Digital Game-Based Assessment Technology Hautala J., Heikkilä R., Nieminen L., Rantanen V., Latvala J.-M., Richardson U. 10.1177/0735633120905309 computer-based assessment; educational game; game-based assessment; paper-and-pencil testing; reading assessment; reading difficulties
Cognitive skills involved in reading comprehension of adolescents with low educational opportunities Abusamra V., Difalcis M., Martínez G., Low D.M., Formoso J. 10.3390/languages5030034 Adolescents; Decoding; Educational opportunities; Inhibition; Reading; Text comprehension; Vocabulary
Numerals and neural reuse Jones M. 10.1007/s11229-018-01922-y Affordances; Cognitive integration; Enculturation; Mathematical cognition; Neural reuse; Neuronal recycling; Numerical cognition; Philosophy of neuroscience; Philosophy of psychology
Heterogeneity of executive functions among preschool children with psychiatric symptoms Teivaanmäki S., Huhdanpää H., Kiuru N., Aronen E.T., Närhi V., Klenberg L. 10.1007/s00787-019-01437-y Executive functions; Externalizing symptoms; Internalizing symptoms; Preschool; Psychopathology
Response to a Specific and Digitally Supported Training at Home for Students With Mathematical Difficulties Re A.M., Benavides-Varela S., Pedron M., De Gennaro M.A., Lucangeli D. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02039 app; digital training; home training; mathematical difficulty; students
Effects of Visual Training of Approximate Number Sense on Auditory Number Sense and School Math Ability Libertus M.E., Odic D., Feigenson L., Halberda J. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02085 approximate number system; individual differences; math ability; modality-independent; training
Narrative Abilities of Adults’ With Down Syndrome as a Window to Their Morphosyntactic, Socio-Cognitive, and Prosodic Abilities Martzoukou M., Nousia A., Marinis T. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02060 down syndrome; macrostructure; microstructure; narratives; prosody; Theory of Mind
Contrasting Classical and Machine Learning Approaches in the Estimation of Value-Added Scores in Large-Scale Educational Data Levy J., Mussack D., Brunner M., Keller U., Cardoso-Leite P., Fischbach A. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02190 longitudinal data; machine learning; model comparison; school effectiveness; value-added modeling
Training Inhibition and Social Cognition in the Classrooms Honoré N., Houssa M., Volckaert A., Noël M.-P., Nader-Grosbois N. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01974 executive functions; inhibition; social cognition; social information processing; Theory of Mind; training
A Developmental Perspective on Young Children’s Understandings of Paired Graphics Conventions From an Analogy Task Boucheix J.-M., Lowe R.K., Thibaut J.-P. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02032 analogy task; children; graphic convention understanding; graphicacy development; school-books
Family Conversations About Heat and Temperature: Implications for Children’s Learning Luce M.R., Callanan M.A. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01718 conceptual change; parent–child communication; science talk; scientific thinking; sociocultural perspectives
Multimedia Input and Bilingual Children’s Language Learning Sun H., Yin B. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02023 bilingual children; heritage language maintenance; input quality; input quantity; multimedia input
The Hummingbird Project: A Positive Psychology Intervention for Secondary School Students Platt I.A., Kannangara C., Tytherleigh M., Carson J. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02012 adolescent; child; happiness; Positive Psychology; preventative; school; universal; well-being
Contextual Interference Effects in Early Assessment: Evaluating the Psychometric Benefits of Item Interleaving Albano A.D., McConnell S.R., Lease E.M., Cai L. 10.3389/feduc.2020.00133 classroom assessment; contextual interference effect; early childhood; interleaving; item analysis; reliability
Examining the Factor Structure of the Home Mathematics Environment to Delineate Its Role in Predicting Preschool Numeracy, Mathematical Language, and Spatial Skills Purpura D.J., King Y.A., Rolan E., Hornburg C.B., Schmitt S.A., Hart S.A., Ganley C.M. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01925 home mathematics environment; mathematical language; mathematics; numeracy skills; parent–child interactions; preschool; spatial skills
The Moderation Effect of Processing Efficiency on the Relationship Between Visual Working Memory and Chinese Character Recognition Xu Z., Wang L.-C., Liu D., Chen Y., Tao L. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01899 processing speed; serial order; temporal sensitivity; visual processing; word recognition
Associations Between Children’s Media Use and Language and Literacy Skills Dore R.A., Logan J., Lin T.-J., Purtell K.M., Justice L.M. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01734 children; language; literacy; media; screen time
Effect of Picture-Book Reading With Additive Audio on Bilingual Preschoolers’ Prefrontal Activation: A Naturalistic Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study Li C., Ding K., Zhang M., Zhang L., Zhou J., Yu D. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01939 bilingual advantage; English comprehension; functional near-infrared spectroscopy; picture-book reading; prefrontal cortex; story audio
Promoting students'well-being by developing their readiness for the artificial intelligence age Dai Y., Chai C.-S., Lin P.-Y., Jong M.S.-Y., Guo Y., Qin J. 10.3390/su12166597 AI anxiety; AI education; AI literacy; Student readiness for AI; Student survey
Improving student's factual knowledge with concrete media through observing activities in scientific approaches in elementary schools Wayan Widiana I., Made Tegeh I., Gusti Lanang Agung Parwata I., Hanikah 10.20448/JOURNAL.509.2020.73.293.299 Concrete media; Factual knowledge; Observing; Scientific approach
Profiling children's reading comprehension: A dynamic approach Gruhn S., Segers E., Keuning J., Verhoeven L. 10.1016/j.lindif.2020.101923 Individual differences; Primary school; Reading comprehension
Land-use and health issues in malagasy primary education-A Delphi study Niens J., Richter-Beuschel L., Bögeholz S. 10.3390/su12156212 Delphi study; Education for Sustainable Development; Health behavior; Land use; Madagascar; Primary education; Procedural knowledge; Sustainable Development Goals
Going Beyond Mathematics Anxiety in Primary and Middle School Students: The Role of Ego-Resiliency in Mathematics Donolato E., Toffalini E., Giofrè D., Caviola S., Mammarella I.C. 10.1111/mbe.12251
Girls4STEM: Gender diversity in STEM for a sustainable future Benavent X., de Ves E., Forte A., Botella-Mascarell C., López-Iñesta E., Rueda S., Roger S., Perez J., Portalés C., Dura E., Garcia-Costa D., Marzal P. 10.3390/su12156051 Gender diversity; Ict; Self-efficacy in stem; Stem
How school culture and teacher's work stress impact on teacher's job satisfaction Febriantina S., Suparno, Marsofiyati, Aliyyah R.R. 10.26803/ijlter.19.8.22 School culture; Teacher satisfaction; Teacher stress; Vocational teacher
The Double-Edged Interactions of Prompts and Self-efficacy Gentner N., Seufert T. 10.1007/s11409-020-09227-7 Cognition; Learning Outcomes; Metacognition; Prompts; Self-Efficacy; Self-Regulation
Measuring the levels of 21st-century digital skills among professionals working within the creative industries: A performance-based approach van Laar E., van Deursen A.J.A.M., van Dijk J.A.G.M., de Haan J. 10.1016/j.poetic.2020.101434 21st-century skills; Creative industries; Digital skills; Performance test; Workers
The dragon, the knight and the princess: Folklore in early childhood disaster education Rahiem M.D.H., Rahim H. 10.26803/IJLTER.19.8.4 Culture; Disaster prevention and preparedness; Disaster risk reduction; Early childhood education; Folklore
Examining Board Gameplay and Learning: A Multidisciplinary Review of Recent Research Bayeck R.Y. 10.1177/1046878119901286 board games; diversity; game studies; learning; literature review; objective
A meta-analysis of teaching and learning computer programming: Effective instructional approaches and conditions Scherer R., Siddiq F., Sánchez Viveros B. 10.1016/j.chb.2020.106349 Computational thinking; Computer programming; Intervention studies; Multilevel meta-analysis; Scratch programming
The research trends of multilingualism in applied linguistics and education (2000-2019): A bibliometric analysis Lin Z., Lei L. 10.3390/su12156058 Bibliometric analysis; Bilingualism; Multilingualism; Research trends; Translanguaging
The impact of student misconceptions on student persistence in a MOOC Chen C., Sonnert G., Sadler P.M., Sasselov D., Fredericks C. 10.1002/tea.21616 conceptual change; misconceptions; science education; technology education/software design
Symbolic Understanding and Word–Picture–Referent Mapping from iPads in Autism Spectrum Condition: The Roles of Iconicity and Engagement Wainwright B.R., Allen M.L., Cain K. 10.1007/s10803-020-04404-8 Autism; Engagement; iPad; Symbolic understanding; Word–picture–referent mapping
Research on early childhood mathematics teaching and learning Björklund C., van den Heuvel-Panhuizen M., Kullberg A. 10.1007/s11858-020-01177-3
Opportunities to participate in science learning and student engagement: A mixed methods approach to examining person and context factors Bae C.L., Lai M.H.C. 10.1037/edu0000410 Engagement; Learning opportunities; Middle school; Mixed methods; Science
Promoting Students’ Well-Being and Inclusion in Schools Through Digital Technologies: Perceptions of Students, Teachers, and School Leaders in Italy Expressed Through SELFIE Piloting Activities Panesi S., Bocconi S., Ferlino L. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01563 DigCompOrg; digital competence; digital education; inclusion; SELFIE; well-being
The Importance of Cursive Handwriting Over Typewriting for Learning in the Classroom: A High-Density EEG Study of 12-Year-Old Children and Young Adults Ose Askvik E., van der Weel F.R., van der Meer A.L.H. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01810 cursive handwriting; digital era; educational psychology; high-density electroencephalography; learning in the brain; temporal spectral evolution; typewriting
Grammatical Spelling and Written Syntactic Awareness in Children With and Without Dyslexia Van Reybroeck M. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01524 dyslexia; grammatical spelling; spelling acquisition; subject verb agreement; written syntactic awareness
Mathematics Anxiety: An Intergenerational Approach Vanbinst K., Bellon E., Dowker A. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01648 arithmetic; biological mother and father; intergenerational correlations; mathematics anxiety; primary school children
The Spelling Errors of French and English Children With Developmental Language Disorder at the End of Primary School Joye N., Dockrell J.E., Marshall C.R. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01789 cross-language; Developmental Language Disorder; English; French; spelling
Environmental and Cognitive Enrichment in Childhood as Protective Factors in the Adult and Aging Brain Schoentgen B., Gagliardi G., Défontaines B. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01814 aging brain; childhood; cognitive reserve; development; environmental enrichment; lifespan
The Impact of a Construction Play on 5- to 6-Year-Old Children’s Reasoning About Stability Weber A.M., Reuter T., Leuchter M. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01737 free play; guided play; intelligence; science learning; theory theory; theory-evidence coordination
Playing with science: manifestation of scientific play in early science inquiry Vartiainen J., Kumpulainen K. 10.1080/1350293X.2020.1783924 Early science education; imagination; meaning-making; play; science inquiry
English Word and Pseudoword Spellings and Phonological Awareness: Detailed Comparisons From Three L1 Writing Systems Martin K.I., Lawson E., Carpenter K., Hummer E. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01309 abjad; alphabet; cross-linguistic influence; ESL; morphosyllabary; phonological awareness; spelling
Promoting children-nature relations through play-based learning in ecotourism sites King H., García-Rosell J.-C., Noakes S. 10.1080/15313220.2020.1797612 Anthropocene; children; children-nature relations; ecotourism; play-based learning
The impact of the lack of ICT resources on teaching and learning in selected South African primary schools Munje P.N., Jita T. 10.26803/IJLTER.19.7.15 Disadvantaged communities; ICT integration; Information and communication technology; Learning; Teaching
Guided discovery problem-posing: An attempt to improve science process skills in elementary school Suryanti, Widodo W., Budijastuti W. 10.29333/iji.2020.1336a Elementary school; Guided discovery; Higher order thinking skills; Problem-posing; Science process skills
Impact of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Module Based on the Cognitive Apprenticeship Model (CAM) on student's performance Ibrahim N.N., Ayub A.F.M., Yunus A.S.Md. 10.26803/IJLTER.19.7.14 Academic performance; Experimental study; Higher-order thinking skills; Measurement and geometry; Rural and urban area
Examples, practice problems, or both? Effects on motivation and learning in shorter and longer sequences van Harsel M., Hoogerheide V., Verkoeijen P., van Gog T. 10.1002/acp.3649 example-based learning; mental effort; problem-solving; self-efficacy; video modeling examples
Mathematical instructional: A conceptual of redesign of active learning with metacognitive regulation strategy Abu Bakar M.A., Ismail N. 10.29333/iji.2020.13343a Active learning; Instructional setting; Mathematical learning; Metacognitive strategies; Student's mastery
Cinema as a transmitter of content: Perceptions of future spanish teachers for motivating learning Lorenzo-Lledó A., Lledó A., Lorenzo G. 10.3390/SU12145505 Cinema; Didactic; Higher education; Learning motivation; Mass media; Professional development
Life skill integrated science-PBL module to improve critical thinking skills of secondary school students Lestari N., Basri K.I., Yusuf S.M., Suciati S., Masykuri M. 10.13189/ujer.2020.080737 Critical Thinking; Life Skill; Module; PBL; Science
A Project-based learning into flipped classroom for ePUB3 electronic mathematics learning module (eMLM)-based on course design and implementation Ramadhani R., Fitri Y. 10.13189/ujer.2020.080740 Electronics Mathematics Learning Module (eMLM); EPUB3; Flipped Classroom; Project-based Learning
Development of interactive multimedia learning courseware to strengthen students' character Sholihah A.-N.N., Septiani I., Rejekiningsih T., Triyanto, Rusnaini 10.12973/eu-jer.9.3.1267 Character; Interactive multimedia; National historical event; Observational learning
Question Asking During Reading Comprehension Instruction: A Corpus Study of How Question Type Influences the Linguistic Complexity of Primary School Students’ Responses Blything L.P., Hardie A., Cain K. 10.1002/rrq.279 2-Childhood; ANOVAs; Classroom Discourse; Cognitive; Comprehension; Comprehension Instruction; Correlation; Discussion Strategies; Methodological perspectives, Instructional strategies; methods and materials; Vygotskian
Using Texting to Help Families Build Their Children’s Vocabulary at Home Snell E.K., Wasik B.A., Hindman A.H. 10.1002/trtr.1906 1-Early childhood; 2-Childhood; 3-Early adolescence; 4-Adolescence; and materials; Digital/media literacies; etc.) < Digital/media literacies; Family literacy; film; Home-school connections < Family literacy; Instructional technology < Strategies; Internet; methods; music; Oral language; Parental involvement < Family literacy; Specific media (hypertext; Vocabulary
Validation of the UDL Reporting Criteria With Extant UDL Research Rao K., Ok M.W., Smith S.J., Evmenova A.S., Edyburn D. 10.1177/0741932519847755 evidence-based practice; research methodology; Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Correlations between the attitudes about learning of after-school club students during school and the teaching quality of elementary school teachers Tseng S.-H., Kang H.-Y., Nguyen T.S., Liu M.-Y. 10.3390/SOCSCI9070125 After school club; Learning attitude; Self-regulated learning; Teacher's perspective; Teaching quality
Progression of cognitive-affective states during learning in kindergarteners: Bringing together physiological, observational and performance data Kamlesh Sridhar P., Nanayakkara S. 10.3390/educsci10070177 Cognitive-affective state; Empirical study; Kindergartners; Learning
‘MusiMath’ and ‘Academic Music’ – Two music-based intervention programs for fractions learning in fourth grade students Azaryahu L., Courey S.J., Elkoshi R., Adi-Japha E. 10.1111/desc.12882 elementary school; fractions; music notation; music-mathematics integrated lessons; rhythm versus melody; transfer
Parent Education: What We Know and Moving Forward for Greatest Impact Morris A.S., Jespersen J.E., Cosgrove K.T., Ratliff E.L., Kerr K.L. 10.1111/fare.12442 adolescence; early childhood; middle childhood; parent education; parenting
Educational Robotics to Foster and Assess Social Relations in Students' Groups Ponticorvo M., Rubinacci F., Marocco D., Truglio F., Miglino O. 10.3389/frobt.2020.00078 assessment; coding; educational robotics; social networks; sociometric tools; students' groups
The voyage of ESL learners’ English language learning in the era of post-colonialism: A thematic analysis Md Yunus M., Hashim H.U., Makhtar R., Norman H., Hashim H. 10.18488/journal.73.2020.82.224.229 English as secondary language; English language acquisition; ESL learners; ESL learning; Language learning; Post-colonialism
Effects on Personal Factors Through Flipped Learning and Gamification as Combined Methodologies in Secondary Education Segura-Robles A., Fuentes-Cabrera A., Parra-González M.E., López-Belmonte J. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01103 autonomy; flipped learning; gamification; motivation; Physical Education
History of Logo Solomon C., Harvey B., Kahn K., Lieberman H., Miller M.L., Minsky M., Papert A., Silverman B. 10.1145/3386329 Computing education - Computational thinking; Computing education programs - Computer science education; Computing literacy; Constructionism; Constructivism; Data types and structures; Education - Interactive learning environments; Functional languages; Functions and subroutines; History of computing - History of programming languages; Imperative languages; Informal education; Interactive computation; K-12 education (ages 5-18); Language features - Control structures; Lisp; Logo; Procedures; Recursion; Recursion; Recursive functions; Software notations and tools - General programming languages; Theory of computation - Models of computation - Computability - Lambda calculus; Turtle geometry
Social Competence and Peer Social Acceptance: Evaluating Effects of an Educational Intervention in Adolescents Luna P., Guerrero J., Rodrigo-Ruiz D., Losada L., Cejudo J. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01305 adolescents; gender; peer social acceptance; quality physical education; social competence; sport education model
Teaching Reading: A Case Study Through Mixed Methods Suárez N., Jiménez J.E., Sánchez C.R. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01083 beliefs; mixed methods; reading; teacher discourse; teaching practices; triangulation
Parental Pre-knowledge Enhances Guidance During Inquiry-Based Family Learning in a Museum Context: An Individual Differences Perspective Franse R.K., Van Schijndel T.J.P., Raijmakers M.E.J. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01047 individual differences; inquiry-based learning; museum context; parent–child interaction; pre-knowledge; wh-questions
Association Between Preschoolers’ Specific Fine (But Not Gross) Motor Skills and Later Academic Competencies: Educational Implications Escolano-Pérez E., Herrero-Nivela M.L., Losada J.L. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01044 academic competencies; child development; early childhood assessment; educational practice; learning; motor skills; preschoolers; systematic observation
The Impact of Orthography on Text Production in Three Languages: Catalan, English, and Spanish Llaurado A., Dockrell J.E. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00878 cross linguistic comparison; reading; spelling; text production; writing system
Enhancing Malaysian primary pupils' vocabulary skills using pocable game and pear deck Ni C.K., Jong B., Dison M.A., Thomas S.A., Yunus M.M., Suliman A. 10.26803/IJLTER.19.6.9 Education; Game-based learning; Pocable Game; Primary pupils; Vocabulary
Mental Arithmetic and Interactivity: the Effect of Manipulating External Number Representations on Older Children’s Mental Arithmetic Success Ross W., Vallée-Tourangeau F., Van Herwegen J. 10.1007/s10763-019-09978-z Expertise; Interactivity; Manipulatives; Mental arithmetic; Working memory
The effects of mathematics anxiety and motivation on students' mathematics achievement Suren N., Ali Kandemir M. 10.46328/IJEMST.V8I3.926 Achievement; Mathematics; Mathematics; Mathematics anxiety; Modeling; Motivation towards; Structural equation
An analytical unit of transformative agency: Dynamics and dialectics Lund A., Vestøl J.M. 10.1016/j.lcsi.2020.100390
Digital competence and university teachers' conceptions about teaching. A structural causal model Mirete A.B., Maquilón J.J., Mirete L., Rodríguez R.A. 10.3390/SU12124842 Digital teaching competence; ICT use; Information exchange; Knowledge building; Structural causal model; Teacher training; Teaching approach; University teachers
Children’s augmented storying in, with and for nature Kumpulainen K., Byman J., Renlund J., Wong C.-C. 10.3390/educsci10060149 Augmented storying; Children and nature; Eco-literacy; New literacies; Pedagogy; Relational ontology
Gamification as a methodological complement to flipped learning—an incident factor in learning improvement Sánchez S.P., Belmonte J.L., Cabrera A.F., Núñez J.A.L. 10.3390/mti4020012 Educational innovation; Experimentation; Flipped learning; Game-based learning; Gamification; Methodological contrast; Mixed learning; Secondary education
Transforming the established perceptions of visuospatial reasoning: integrating an ecocultural perspective Owens K. 10.1007/s13394-020-00332-z Ecocultural perspectives; Ethnomathematics; Mathematics education for multicultural schools; Visuospatial reasoning
Dialogue-based peer learning of educational topics in a university classroom Liu S.-H. 10.3167/latiss.2020.130204 Critical thinking skills; Dialogue-based peer learning; Educational topics; Peer discussion; Sociocognitive conflict; Teacher education; University teaching
Embracing Digital Technology in Science Classrooms—Secondary School Teachers’ Enacted Teaching and Reflections on Practice Walan S. 10.1007/s10956-020-09828-6 Digital technology; In-service teachers; Science; Secondary school; TPACK
Relating to materials in digital fabrication: Transform materials to transform yourself Malinverni L., Schaper M.-M., Valero C. 10.1016/j.ijcci.2020.100166 Becoming; Digital fabrication; Education; Materials; Transform
Impact of educational habits on the learning of 3-6 year old children from the perspective of early childhood education teachers Pérez-Ferra M., Quijano-López R., García-Martínez I. 10.3390/su12114388 Early childhood education; Educational habits; Learning; Teachers
A search for a method to improve critical thinking skills in social studies teaching: Writing-to-learn Kayaalp F., Meral E., Şimşek U., Şahin I.F. 10.33403/rigeo.719222 Critical thinking; Social studies; Writing-to-learn
Collaborative digital storytelling-based task for efl writing instruction: Outcomes and perceptions Azis Y.A., Husnawadi 10.18823/asiatefl.2020. Collaborative writing; DST; EFL; ELT; TBLT; Writing skills
Evaluating the role of video in supporting reflection beyond INSET Mann S., Crichton R., Edmett A. 10.1016/j.system.2019.102195
Proficiency level descriptors for low reading proficiency: An integrative process model Durda T., Artelt C., Lechner C.M., Rammstedt B., Wicht A. 10.1007/s11159-020-09834-1 difficulty-generating factors; large-scale assessments; low reading proficiency; process model; standard setting
Review of papers on the use of digital games for life sciences teaching in primary and secondary education [Revisión de investigaciones sobre el uso de juegos digitales en la enseñanza de las ciencias de la vida en Primaria y Secundaria] Vázquez M.H., Torralba-Burrial A., Esther del Moral Pérez M. 10.5565/REV/ENSCIENCIAS.2806 Didactics; Digital games; Experimental Sciences; Life sciences; Review
The impact of interactive shared book reading on children’s language skills: A randomized controlled trial Noble C., Cameron-Faulkner T., Jessop A., Coates A., Sawyer H., Taylor-Ims R., Rowland C.F. 10.1044/2020_JSLHR-19-00288
Screens' domestication in childhood: Uses and parental mediation in city and rural contexts Cruz C., Franco C., Anunciação F., Cunha M.J. 10.17231/comsoc.37(2020).2411 Childhood; Domestic spaces; Rural context; Screens; Urban context; Uses and mediation
Problematic internet use among youths Tomczyk Ł., Szyszka M., Stošić L. 10.3390/educsci10060161 Adolescent; IAD; Internet addiction; Pathological internet use; PIU; Poland; Problematic internet use; Youths
Usability of a mobile app for improving literacy in children with hearing impairment: Focus group study DeForte S., Sezgin E., Huefner J., Lucius S., Luna J., Satyapriya A.A., Malhotra P. 10.2196/16310 Aural rehabilitation; Cochlear implants; Focus groups; Hearing aids; Hearing impairment; Hearing loss; Literacy; Mobile applications; Qualitative study; Reading; Usability
Responses to hotspots during parent–child shared reading of eBook Abdelhadi S.M. 10.1016/j.ijcci.2019.100164 eBooks; Hotspots; Immediate responses; Joint attention; Mathematics; Shared reading
Do Book Giveaway Programs Promote the Home Literacy Environment and Children’s Literacy-Related Behavior and Skills? de Bondt M., Willenberg I.A., Bus A.G. 10.3102/0034654320922140 book giveaway programs; Bookstart; Imagination Library; meta-analysis; Reach Out and Read
Effects of personal just world belief on professional growth and well-being of preschool teachers Zhang H., You L. 10.33788/rcis.69.17 Preschool education; Preschool teacher; Professional growth; Social environment; Social responsibility; Well-being
Enabling relationships with nature in cities Colding J., Giusti M., Haga A., Wallhagen M., Barthel S. 10.3390/su12114394 Affective and psychomotor environmental learning; Cognitive; Human-nature connection; Immersive technologies; Property rights; Resilience building; Sense of place; Urban green commons
"(We) Can Talk It Out...": Designing for Promoting Conflict-Resolution Skills in Youth on a Moderated Minecraft Server Jagannath K., Salen K., Slovàk P. 10.1145/3392855 conflict resolution skills; design-led research; minecraft; moderators; near-peer mentors; online community; problem-solving; trace ethnography; youth
A new methodological approach for evaluating the impact of educational intervention implementation on learning outcomes Outhwaite L.A., Gulliford A., Pitchford N.J. 10.1080/1743727X.2019.1657081 education; evaluation; Implementation; intervention; mixed-methods
Textbook tasks in the Norwegian school subject natural sciences: what views of science do they mediate? Andersson-Bakken E., Jegstad K.M., Bakken J. 10.1080/09500693.2020.1756516 inquiry-based learning; nature of science; Textbook analysis
Cognitive and Linguistic Predictors of Language Control in Bilingual Children Gross M.C., Kaushanskaya M. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00968 bilingualism; children; cognitive control; language control; language switching
Individual Differences in Children’s Development of Scientific Reasoning Through Inquiry-Based Instruction: Who Needs Additional Guidance? Schlatter E., Molenaar I., Lazonder A.W. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00904 elementary education; individual differences; inquiry-based learning; instructional guidance; scientific reasoning
Local and scientific knowledge in the school context: Characterization and content of published works Sotero M.C., Alves Â.G.C., Arandas J.K.G., Medeiros M.F.T. 10.1186/s13002-020-00373-5 Contextualized education; Database searches; Ethnobiology; Multiculturalism; Scientometrics; Teaching-learning
Effects of extending disadvantaged families’ teaching of emergent literacy Hannon P., Nutbrown C., Morgan A. 10.1080/02671522.2019.1568531 disadvantage; early intervention; effects; Family literacy; parents; randomised controlled trial
The effects of a peer-tutoring strategy on children’s e-book reading comprehension Tsuei M., Huang H.-W., Cheng S.-F. 10.15700/saje.v40n2a1734 E-book; Elementary school children; Mobile learning; Peer tutoring; Reading comprehension
Teacher training for ‘augmented reading’: The living book approach and initial results Meletiou-Mavrotheris M., Carrilho A.R., Charalambous C., Mavrou K., Christou C. 10.3390/educsci10050144 Augmented reading; Augmented reality; Literature; Living Book Project; Living library; Lower secondary; Professional development; Reading literacy; Upper primary
Initial reading lesson through "Dia tampan" association method and android photo editor media Iswara P.D., Julia J., Supriyadi T., Rahman A.A., Hartati T., Rahman, Sopandi W., Damaianti V.S. 10.13189/ujer.2020.080547 Android Photo Editor; Association Method; Dia Tampan Method; Initial Reading Lesson; Primary School
Effect of bring-your-own-device program on flipped learning in higher education students Sánchez S.P., López-Belmonte J., Moreno-Guerrero A.-J., Sola Reche J.M., Cabrera A.F. 10.3390/su12093729 Academic improvements; Academic indicators; BYOD; Educational experimentation; Educational innovation; Emerging methodology; Flipped learning; Higher education; Students
Action research in hadith literacy: A reflection of hadith learning in the digital age Supriyadi T., Julia J., Aeni A.N., Sumarna E. 10.26803/ijlter.19.5.6 Action research; Digital native; Hadith; Literacy; Takhrij hadith
Sustainability of educational technologies: An approach to augmented reality research Abad-Segura E., González-Zamar M.-D., Luque-de la Rosa A., Cevallos M.B.M. 10.3390/su12104091 Augmented reality; Higher education; ICT; Management; Scientific production; Sustainability; Virtual technology
The effect of using Kahoot! for learning – A literature review Wang A.I., Tahir R. 10.1016/j.compedu.2020.103818 Classroom dynamics; Engagement; Game-based learning; Kahoot!; Literature review
The use of the audio pen in enhancing reading skills among preschool children Krish P. 10.18178/ijiet.2020.10.5.1385 And vocabulary; Audio pen; Comprehension; Fluency; Preschool children; Reading skills
Developing and exploring an evaluation tool for educational apps (E.T.E.A.) targeting kindergarten children Papadakis S., Vaiopoulou J., Kalogiannakis M., Stamovlasis D. 10.3390/su12104201 Evaluation tool; Kindergarten children; Mobile educational applications (apps); Parents; Smart mobile devices
The Core Vocabulary: The Foundation of Proficient Comprehension Hiebert E.H. 10.1002/trtr.1894 2-Childhood; 3-Early adolescence; 4-Adolescence; Affixes ' Vocabulary; Context clues ' Vocabulary; General vocabulary ' Vocabulary; Instructional strategies; methods and materials; Morphology ' Vocabulary; Specialized vocabulary ' Vocabulary; Vocabulary
From simulations to real: Investigating young students’ learning and transfer from simulations to real tasks Falloon G. 10.1111/bjet.12885
Young children's narrative retell in response to static and animated stories Diehm E.A., Wood C., Puhlman J., Callendar M. 10.1111/1460-6984.12523 assessment; language; technology
Effects of diglossia on classical Arabic: Language developments in Bilingual learners Oueini A., Awada G., Kaissi F.S. 10.17576/gema-2020-2002-11 Bialystok's model; Classical Arabic; Colloquial Arabic; Diglossia
Matching self-reports with electrodermal activity data: Investigating temporal changes in self-regulated learning Dindar M., Malmberg J., Järvelä S., Haataja E., Kirschner P.A. 10.1007/s10639-019-10059-5 Computer-supported collaborative learning; Multimodal data; Physiological synchrony; Self-regulated learning
Critical thinking using project-based learning: The case of the agroecological market at the "universitat politècnica de valència" Aránguiz P., Palau-Salvador G., Belda A., Peris J. 10.3390/SU12093553 Active learning; Agroecology; Critical thinking; Experiential education; Higher education; Sustainability education; Sustainable food
A study on the effectiveness of a teaching based on socio-scientific issues in the training of pre-service teachers Cayci B. 10.18844/cjes.v15i2.4604 Argumentation model; Socio-scientific issues; Teacher candidates
Investigation of game perceptions of elementary school students through the pictures they draw in the context of social powers Hicyilmaz Y. 10.18844/cjes.v15i2.4807 Children’s drawings; Elementary school; Game; Perception; Social power; Students
The Relationship Between Parental Play Beliefs, Preschoolers’ Home Experience, and Executive Functions: An Exploratory Study in Ethiopia Metaferia B.K., Takacs Z.K., Futo J. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00624 executive function; home activity; parental belief; play belief; preschool
Potential Factors to Enhance Students' STEM College Learning and Career Orientation Rivera H., Li J.-T. 10.3389/feduc.2020.00025 career decision; college readiness; high school; parent involvement; STEM—science technology engineering mathematics
Better integrating summative and formative goals in the design of next generation teacher evaluation systems [Melhor integração de objetivos somativos e formativos no projeto de sistemas de avaliação de professores da próxima geração] [Mejor integración de objetivos sumativos y formativos en el diseño de los sistemas de evaluación docente de próxima generación] Ford T.G., Hewitt K.K. 10.14507/EPAA.28.5024 Accountability; Educational improvement; Formative and summative assessment; Qualitative methods; Self-determination theory; Teacher evaluation
Syllable-based reading improvement: Effects on word reading and reading comprehension in Grade 2 Müller B., Richter T., Karageorgos P. 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2020.101304 Primary school children; Reading comprehension; Syllable-based intervention; Visual word recognition
Teachers and the teaching of self-regulated learning (srl): The emergence of an integrative, ecological model of srl-in-context Alvi E., Gillies R.M. 10.3390/educsci10040098 Primary school; Qualitative research; Self-regulated learning; Srl-in-context model; Teachers
Readiness and competence of new teachers for career as professional teachers in primary schools Julia J., Subarjah H., Maulana M., Sujana A., Isrokatun I., Nugraha D., Rachmatin D. 10.12973/eu-jer.9.2.655 New teacher career; New teacher competence; New teacher readiness; Professional teacher; Teacher professional education
Is academic tracking related to gains in learning competence? Using propensity score matching and differential item change functioning analysis for better understanding of tracking implications Martinková P., Hladká A., Potužníková E. 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2019.101286 Academic tracking; Differential item functioning in change; Instructional sensitivity; Learning competence; Propensity score matching
Development of Children’s monitoring and control when learning from texts: effects of age and test format Steiner M., van Loon M.H., Bayard N.S., Roebers C.M. 10.1007/s11409-019-09208-5 Control; Development; Monitoring; Stability; Test format
The effect of metacognitive-based contextual learning model on fifth-grade students’ problem-solving and mathematical communication skills Ahdhianto E., Marsigit, Haryanto, Santi N.N. 10.12973/eu-jer.9.2.753 Contextual-based learning; Mathematical communication skills; Metacognition; Problem-solving skills
How Information Literate Are Junior and Senior Class Biology Students? Schiffl I. 10.1007/s11165-018-9710-2 Biology teaching; Competences; Information literacy; Obtaining information
Learning About Science in Preschool: Play-Based Activities to Support Children’s Understanding of Chemistry Concepts Adbo K., Vidal Carulla C. 10.1007/s13158-020-00259-3 Emergent science; Play-based activities; Preschool; Theoretical chemistry; Visual ethnography, sustained shared thinking
“Helping Nemo!”—Using Augmented Reality and Alternate Reality Games in the Context of Universal Design for Learning Stylianidou N., Sofianidis A., Manoli E., Meletiou-Mavrotheris M. 10.3390/educsci10040095 Alternate reality games; Augmented reality; Inclusive education; Multimodality
Teacher biography: SOLO analysis of preservice teachers' reflections of their experiences in physical education Haynes J.E., Quinn F., Miller J.A. 10.14221/ajte.2020v45n4.4
Finding the connection between research and design: the knowledge development of STEM teachers in a professional learning community Vossen T.E., Henze I., De Vries M.J., Van Driel J.H. 10.1007/s10798-019-09507-7 Beliefs; Collective knowledge; Connection; Design; PCK; Personal PCK; Research; Secondary education; STEM
The emergence of technology in physical education: A general bibliometric analysis with a focus on virtual and augmented reality Calabuig-Moreno F., González-Serrano M.H., Fombona J., García-Tascón M. 10.3390/su12072728 Augmented reality; Bibliometric analysis; Physical education; Technology; Virtual reality
Self-fulfilling prophecies in the classroom: Teacher expectations, teacher feedback and student achievement Gentrup S., Lorenz G., Kristen C., Kogan I. 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2019.101296 Self-fulfilling prophecy; Teacher expectations; Teacher feedback; Teacher-student interaction; Videography
Predicting students' behavioral intention to use open source software: A combined view of the technology acceptance model and self-determination theory Racero F.J., Bueno S., Gallego M.D. 10.3390/APP10082711 Open source software (OSS); Technology acceptance model
Psychometric study of a scale of measurement of the digital stories creation using utellstory Muñoz-González J.M., Vega-Gea E.M., Ballesteros-Regaña C., Hidalgo-Ariza M.D. 10.3390/SU12083204 Digital stories; Initial teacher training; Questionnaire; Validation
Children's Literacy Experiences in Low-Income Families: The Content of Books Matters Luo R., Tamis-LeMonda C.S., Mendelsohn A.L. 10.1002/rrq.263
Speech Features and Electroencephalogram Parameters in 4- to 11-Year-Old Children Lyakso E., Frolova O., Matveev Y. 10.3389/fnbeh.2020.00030 acoustic features; brain activity; child speech; electroencephalogram; linguistic characteristics
How the Psychology of Education Contributes to Research With a Social Impact on the Education of Students With Special Needs: The Case of Successful Educational Actions Duque E., Gairal R., Molina S., Roca E. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00439 dialogic literary gatherings; interactive groups; psychology of education; social impact; special educational needs
Eye Movements During RAN as an Operationalization of the RAN-Reading “Microcosm” Peters J.L., Bavin E.L., Crewther S.G. 10.3389/fnhum.2020.00067 dyslexia; eye movements; microcosm; ocular motor patterns; rapid naming; reading; young children
Teachers’ pedagogical strategies when creating digital stories with young children Undheim M., Jernes M. 10.1080/1350293X.2020.1735743 Collaborative creation process; digital stories; digital technology; kindergarten children; teachers’ pedagogical strategies
An Eye-Tracking Study of Sketch Processing: Evidence From Russian Petrova T.E., Riekhakaynen E.I., Bratash V.S. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00297 eye-tracking; Russian; sketchnoting; text comprehension; text processing
Fostering accounting's learning outcomes through video scribe in vocational high schools Sari D.E., Nugroho A.A., Yuliati 10.18178/ijiet.2020.10.3.1363 Accounting education; Learning outcome; Video scribe
A research of analysing the effectiveness of speaking-pen on English learning in consideration of individual differences using a linear mixed-effect model Tsubak M., Maeda Y. 10.1007/s10639-019-10085-3 Early English education; Individual differences; Linear mixed-effect model; Speaking-pen
The impact of a research methods course on teacher candidates' epistemological beliefs Küçükaydin M.A., Gökbulut Y. 10.14221/ajte.2020v45n3.2
Academic motivation levels of secondary school students and their attitudes towards a social studies course FaIz M., Avci E.K. 10.33403/rigeo.693769 Academic motivation; Attitude; Secondary school; Social studies; Student
Students’ academic use of mobile technology and higher-order thinking skills: The role of active engagement Kim H.J., Yi P., Hong J.I. 10.3390/educsci10030047 Active engagement; Higher-order thinking skills; Learning effort; Mobile technology
Design ideas for an issue-situation-based board game involving multirole scenarios Cheng P.-H., Yeh T.-K., Chao Y.-K., Lin J., Chang C.-Y. 10.3390/su12052139 Issue-situation-based board game; Multirole situational learning; Reflective goal; Socio-scientific issue
The school as a learning organisation: The concept and its measurement Kools M., Stoll L., George B., Steijn B., Bekkers V., Gouëdard P. 10.1111/ejed.12383
Efficiency of dynamic computer environment in learning absolute value equation Jokić M., Takači D. 10.3390/sym12030473 Absolute value equations; Absolute value functions; Computer learning environment; GeoGebra software; Multiple representation
Decision-making processes using whatsapp Tamir E., Etgar R., Peled D. 10.30828/real/2020.1.4 Complex decisions; Decisionmaking; Kindergartenmanagers; Managerial decisions; WhatsApp
The relation between knowledge acquisition and environmental values within the scope of a biodiversity learning module Schneiderhan-Opel J., Bogner F.X. 10.3390/su12052036 Biodiversity awareness; Biodiversity conservation; Biodiversity education; Citizen science; Education for sustainable development (ESD); Environmental education (EE); Environmental values; Knowledge retention
Geospatial Analysis: A New Window Into Educational Equity, Access, and Opportunity Cobb C.D. 10.3102/0091732X20907362
Turn-taking and sense making: Children and professionals co-producing and revisiting multimodal books during transition from day-care to school Odgaard A.B. 10.1016/j.lcsi.2020.100385 Agency; Design-experiments; Digital technologies; Early childhood education; Sociocultural studies; Transition
A systematic review of research on e-book-based language learning Zhang R., Zou D., Xie H., Au O.T.S., Wang F.L. 10.34105/j.kmel.2020.12.006 E-book; Language learning; Mobile learning; Review; Technology-assisted learning
Moral education through dramatized storytelling: Insights and observations from Indonesia kindergarten teachers Rahiem M.D.H., Abdullah N.S.M., Krauss S.E., Rahim H. 10.26803/ijlter.19.3.26 Dramatization; Kindergarten; Moral Education; Stories; Storytelling
Infant screen exposure links to toddlers' inhibition, but not other EF constructs: A propensity score study McHarg G., Ribner A.D., Devine R.T., Hughes C., The NewFAMS Study Team 10.1111/infa.12325
Educational innovation in higher education: Use of role playing and educational video in future teachers' training Moreno-Guerrero A.-J., Rodríguez-Jiménez C., Gómez-García G., Navas-Parejo M.R. 10.3390/su12062558 Active methodologies; Educational innovation; Educational video; Role playing; Teacher training
Association of sedentary behaviour on internalizing problems in children with and without motor coordination problems Bulten R., Brown D., Rodriguez C., Cairney J. 10.1016/j.mhpa.2020.100325 Anxiety; Child behaviour checklist; Depression; Developmental coordination disorder; Internalizing behaviours; Physical activity
Cultural Differences in Visual Contents in Picture Books Kuwabara M., Alonso J., Ayala D. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00304 children; cross-cultural; infant/toddler; picture books; preschool; visual environment
The Importance of Teachers’ Need for Cognition in Their Use of Technology in Mathematics Instruction Tanas L., Winkowska-Nowak K., Pobiega K. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00259 burnout; ICT; need for cognition; supervisor support; teachers self-efficacy; technology acceptance
Patterns of the teaching and learning cycle of GBA by EFL teachers in Indonesia Suharyadi, Basthomi Y. 10.20448/journal.509.2020.71.34.41 EFL; GBA; Indonesia; Patterns; Stages; Teachers
Reading in English as a Foreign Language by Spanish Children With Dyslexia Suárez-Coalla P., Martínez-García C., Carnota A. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00019 children; dyslexia; English as a foreign language; reading; Spanish
Whose heritage? What inheritance?: conceptualising family language identities Little S. 10.1080/13670050.2017.1348463 bilingualism; family; Heritage language; identity; multilingualism
Empowering Executive Functions in 5- and 6-Year-Old Typically Developing Children Through Educational Robotics: An RCT Study Di Lieto M.C., Pecini C., Castro E., Inguaggiato E., Cecchi F., Dario P., Cioni G., Sgandurra G. 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.03084 children; educational robotics; executive functions; response inhibition; working memory
Everyday Practices and Activities to Improve Pre-school Self-Regulation: Cluster RCT Evaluation of the PRSIST Program Howard S.J., Vasseleu E., Batterham M., Neilsen-Hewett C. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00137 executive function; intervention; preschool; RCT; school readiness; self-regulation
Prediction of Chinese Reading Fluency by Verbal and Non-verbal Visual Attention Span Measures Chan K.S.-C., Yeung P.-S. 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.03049 Chinese reading fluency; global report; visual 1-back; visual attention span; word reading fluency
An exploratory analysis of the implementation and use of an intelligent platform for learning in primary education Nieto-Márquez N.L., Baldominos A., Martínez A.C., Pérez Nieto M.A. 10.3390/app10030983 Digital material; Educational data; Educational technologies; Intelligent platform; Primary education; User experience research (UXR)
Application of cognitive psychology in english teaching Zhang Y., Zhang L. 10.24205/03276716.2020.377 Cognitive psychology; English teaching; Model; Teaching resources
Climate literacy awareness among preservice teachers in Malaysia [Kesadaran literasi iklim di antara guru pelestarian di Malaysia] Nayan N., Mahat H., Hashim M., Saleh Y., Norkhaidi S.B. 10.21831/cp.v39i1.26873 Adaptation; Attitudes; Knowledge; Mitigation; Practices; Skills
Executive function facilitates learning from math instruction in kindergarten: Evidence from the ECLS-K Ribner A.D. 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2019.101251
Exploring undergraduates' learning engagement via BYOD in the blended learning classroom (EULEBYODBLC) He W., Zhao L. 10.18178/ijiet.2020.10.2.1356 Blended learning; Bring your own device (BYOD); Learning engagement; Undergraduate
Effects of an early reading intervention based on grapho-syllabic decoding and fluency training in French elementary schools [Les effets d'une intervention précoce en lecture basée sur des entraînements au décodage grapho-syllabique et sur la fluence auprès d’élèves du primaire] Gallet C., Viriot-Goeldel C., Leclercq V. 10.1016/j.erap.2019.100471 Elementary school; Evaluation; Reading; Remediation; Written-word identification difficulties
Augmented reality in higher education: An evaluation program in initial teacher training Sáez-López J.M., Cózar-Gutiérrez R., González-Calero J.A., Carrasco C.J.G. 10.3390/educsci10020026 Applied research; Augmented reality; Educational technology; Social sciences; Teacher training
Flipped learning approach as educational innovation in water literacy Moreno-Guerrero A.-J., Romero-Rodríguez J.-M., López-Belmonte J., Alonso-García S. 10.3390/w12020574 Education research; Flipped learning; Likert scale; Water education; Water literacy
Cultural heritage and methodological approaches-an analysis through initial training of history teachers (Spain-England) Gómez-Carrasco C.J., Miralles-Martinez P., Fontal O., Ibañez-Etxeberria A. 10.3390/su12030933 Active methodologies; Cultural heritage; Heritage education; History education; Methodological approaches; Teacher education
Children’s interest in learning english through picture books in an EFL context: The effects of parent–child interaction and digital pen use Choi N., Kang S., Sheo J. 10.3390/educsci10020040 Digital pen; EFL; Interest in learning English; Parent-child interaction; Young children
Computerized visual perception games and its effects on learning letters and numbers among Jordanian kindergarten children Rababah E.Q., Nusair M., Al Hersh A.H. 10.26803/IJLTER.19.2.14 Computerized games; Kindergarten children; Learning letters and numbers; Visual perception
Grapholearn si: Digital learning support for reading difficulties in a transparent orthography Borleffs E., Zwarts F., Siregar A.R., Maassen B.A.M. 10.17011/ht/urn.202002242164 Digital learning environment; GraphoGame; GraphoLearn; Reading acquisition; Standard indonesian; Technology-enhanced reading support
Learning to read in multilingual Malaysia: A focus on bahasa Melayu, tamil and Chinese Winskel H. 10.17576/gema-2020-2001-01 Bahasa Melayu; Chinese; Learning to read; Malaysia; Tamil
The mission of early childhood education in the anthropocene Wolff L.-A., Skarstein T.H., Skarstein F. 10.3390/educsci10020027 21st century skills; Anthropocene; Children’s agency; Early childhood education (ECE); Outdoor education; Posthumanistic approaches; Practice architecture; Sustainability; Sustainability education
Multisensory letter integration and implicit learning of reading with 5-year-old children [Intégration multi-sensorielle des lettres et apprentissage implicite de la lecture chez les enfants de 5 ans] Labat H., Boisson A., Brunel L., Ecalle J., Versace R., Magnan A. 10.1016/j.erap.2019.100477 Children; Implicit learning; Letter; Motor; Reading
Novel word learning deficits in infants at family risk for dyslexia Kalashnikova M., Goswami U., Burnham D. 10.1002/dys.1649 family risk; infancy; lexicon; paired associate learning; word learning
The use of Edmodo apps in flipped classroom learning. How is the students' creative thinking ability? Widyaningrum H.K., Hasanudin C., Fitrianingsih A., Novianti D.E., Saddhono K., Supratmi N. 10.18280/isi.250109 A course of Indonesian language and literature study; Creative thinking ability; Edmodo apps; Flipped classroom
Infant-directed language following a brief behavioral parenting intervention: The importance of language quality Heymann P., Heflin B.H., Baralt M., Bagner D.M. 10.1016/j.infbeh.2019.101419 Behavioral parent training; Infancy; Language nutrition
The future-gazing potential of digital personalization in young children’s reading: views from education professionals and app designers Kucirkova N., Flewitt R. 10.1080/03004430.2018.1458718 attitudes; Digital personalization; e-reading; educational technology; teachers-industry gap
Literacy Training of Kindergarten Children With Pencil, Keyboard or Tablet Stylus: The Influence of the Writing Tool on Reading and Writing Performance at the Letter and Word Level Mayer C., Wallner S., Budde-Spengler N., Braunert S., Arndt P.A., Kiefer M. 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.03054 digital media; embodied cognition; keyboard; literacy training; pencil; preschool children; tablet; written language acquisition
Psychometric Properties of Screening Questionnaires for Children With Handwriting Issues Šafárová K., Mekyska J., Zvončák V., Galáž Z., Francová P., Čechová B., Losenická B., Smékal Z., Urbánek T., Havigerová J.M., Rosenblum S. 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02937 developmental dysgraphia; HPSQ; HPSQ-C; reliability; validity
Persistent Effects of Musical Training on Mathematical Skills of Children With Developmental Dyscalculia Ribeiro F.S., Santos F.H. 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02888 developmental dyscalculia; mathematical skills; melodic and rhythmic lessons; musical training; numerical cognition
Is Cognitive Training Effective for Improving Executive Functions in Preschoolers? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Scionti N., Cavallero M., Zogmaister C., Marzocchi G.M. 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02812 cognitive training; EF training; executive functions; meta-analysis; preschoolers
A framework to foster problem-solving in STEM and computing education Priemer B., Eilerts K., Filler A., Pinkwart N., Rösken-Winter B., Tiemann R., Zu Belzen A.U. 10.1080/02635143.2019.1600490 computer science education; inquiry; Problem-solving; STEM education
Transformation of relationships between primary school stakeholders in the context of digitization Zaichenko N.A., Zaichenko L.I., Kondrateva I.N., Rubashkin D.D. 10.26907/esd15.3.12 Agency; Digital footprint; Digitization; Education relationship; Learner; Liminality; Parent; Primary level of education (primary school); Teacher; Training; Transformation; Zone of proximal development
Pre-school and primary school pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards using technology in music education [Okul öncesi ve sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının müzik eğitiminde teknoloji kullanımına yönelik tutumları] Atabek O., Burak S. 10.14689/ejer.2020.87.3 Attitude towards educational technology; Pre-school education; Primary education; Using technology in music education
The effectiveness of video-based interaction on professional science teachers to improve elementary school students achievements Budiastra A.A.K., Wicaksono I., Erlina N. 10.17478/JEGYS.715139 Elementary school; Inquiry; Professional science teacher; Students' achievements; Video-based interaction
La ludica y la grafomotricidad en estudiantes de educacion basica regular Vargas I.M., Cueva F.E.I., Robles N.C., Diaz H.H.A., Rios Rios S.W. 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V12I1.201038 Gamification; Graphomotor skills; Graphomotricity; Playful
Examining the impact of spherical videos in teaching endangered species/environmental education to primary school students Fokides E., Kefallinou M. 10.28945/4612 Endangered species; Environmental education; Primary school; Spherical vid-eos
Using the concept of game-based learning in education Liu Z.-Y., Shaikh Z.A., Gazizova F. 10.3991/ijet.v15i14.14675 21th century skills; E-learning; Game-based learning; Gamification
Need analysis: Should preparation in implementing a scientific approach in elementary schools? Suswandari M., Siswandari, Sunardi, Gunarhadi 10.13189/ujer.2020.081708 Curriculum; Elementary School; Scientific Approach
Constructivism-led assistive technology: An experiment at a Namibian special primary school Abiatal L.K.S., Howard G.R. 10.4102/sajce.v10i1.794 Assistive technology; AT; Constructivism; Deaf; Field experiment; Grade 3; Interviews; Mathematics; Namibia; Primary education; Special education; Teaching and learning
Evaluation of collective teacher efficacy from the perspective of four-frame leadership model Koçak S., Özdemir M. 10.15390/EB.2019.8325 Collective efficacy; Collective teacher efficacy; Four-frame leadership; Leadership orientations; Multi-frame leadership orientations
Role of literary pedagogy in modern education of preschool and primary school children Shastina E.M., Jentgens S., Shatunova O.V., Borisov A.M., Bozhkova G.N. 10.20896/saci.v8i1.795 Formal; Literary education; Literary pedagogy; Literature; Non-formal and informal education
Investigation of the effect of digital storytelling on cultural awareness and creative thinking Karakuş M., Türkkan B.T., Namlı N.A. 10.15390/EB.2020.8576 Creative thinking; Cultural awareness; Digital storytelling; Life science course; Primary school
Incorporating a smartphone video in a theatrical activity to promote an authentic language learning environment in a lower secondary school classroom Yanti P.G., Mulyono H. 10.3991/ijim.v14i01.11499 Authentic learning; Authentic learning environment; Role-play; Smartphone video; Theatrical activities
The impact of using storyboards on improving reading skills of third-grade students with reading disabilities in jordanian context Abuzaid H., Al Kayed M. 10.26803/ijlter.19.1.10 Arabic; Reading disabilities; Reading skill; Storyboard; Teaching
Elementary students' functional thinking: From recursive to correspondence Syawahid M., Purwanto, Sukoriyanto, Sulandra I.M. 10.17478/JEGYS.765395 Correspondence; Fuctional thinking; Mathematics education; Recursive
Identification of instructional learning design by Alan Hoffer's model and its effect on students' creative thinking in mathematics Jebur A.M. 10.17478/jegys.703766 Alan hoffer's model; Creative thinking; Instructional learning design
Mobile internet experiences of the children in Turkey and European countries: A comparative analysis of internet access, use, activities, skills and risks [Türkiye ve avrupa’daki çocukların mobil internet deneyimleri: Internet erişim, kullanım, etkinlikler, beceriler ve risklerin karşılaştırmalı analizi] Turgut Y.E., Kursun E. 10.14689/ejer.2020.88.10 Children; Internet access and use; Internet activities; Internet risks; Internet skills; Mobile Internet
The learning trajectory of number pattern learning using barathayudha war stories and uno stacko Risdiyanti I., Indra Prahmana R.C. 10.22342/jme.11.1.10225.157-166 Barathayudha War Stories; Design Research; Learning Trajectory; Number Pattern; Uno Stacko
Investigation of the relationship between self-efficacy belief and classroom management skills of preschool teachers with other variables Bay D.N. 10.26822/iejee.2020459463 Classroom management skills; Preschool teacher; Self-efficacy belief
Digital competences relationship between gender and generation of university professors Basantes-Andrade A., Cabezas-González M., Casillas-Martín S. 10.18517/ijaseit.10.1.10806 Digital competence; Gender; Generation; ICT; Virtual learning
Developing an android-based game for chemistry learners and its usability assessment Nazar M., Putri R.I.C., Puspita K. 10.3991/IJIM.V14I15.14351 Android game; Chemistry; Colloids; Learning media
The effectiveness of blended learning model based on inquiry collaborative tutorial toward students' problem-solving skills in physics Herayanti L., Widodo W., Susantini E., Gunawan G. 10.17478/JEGYS.675819 Blended learning; Collaborative; Inquiry; Problem-solving skills; Tutorial
The effects of using web-based 3D design environment on spatial visualisation and mental rotation abilities of secondary school students Dere H.E., Kalelioglu F. 10.15388/infedu.2020.18 3d design; Mental rotation; Spatial ability; Spatial visualisation
Practical-oriented concept as a principle of professional education of the future professionals Diachok N., Chernukha N., Tokaruk L., Udovenko I., Petrova M.M. 10.5430/IJHE.V9N4P272 Education; Interdisciplinarity of socialization; Practice-oriented concept; Professional education; Project; Social project; Socialization
Childhood use of mobile devices: Influence of mothers' socio-educational level Jiménez-Morales M., Montaña M., Medina-Bravo P. 10.3916/C64-2020-02 Children; Media consumption; Mobile devices; Mothers; Opportunities; Parental intervention; Smart screens; Social level
A model for developing computational thinking skills Palts T., Pedaste M. 10.15388/INFEDU.2020.06 Computational thinking; Computer science; K-12; Problem solving; STEM
The development of research in the field of chemistry education at the University of Novi Sad since the breakup of the socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia [Razvoj raziskovanja na področju kemijskega izobraževanja na Univerzi v Novem Sadu po razpadu Socialistične Federativne Republike Jugoslavije] Segedinac M.D., Rodić D.D., Rončević T.N., Horvat S., Adamov J. 10.26529/cepsj.729 Chair of chemistry education; Directions of research; Research in chemical education
Factors influencing teachers’ utilisation of ict: The role of in-service training courses and access Esfijani A., Zamani B.E. 10.25304/rlt.v28.2313 ICT integration practices; ICT knowledge; ICT resource access; In-service training; Secondary education
Design of english vocabulary mobile apps using gamification: An Indonesian case study for kindergarten Tamtama G.I.W., Suryanto P., Suyoto 10.3991/ijep.v10i1.11551 English Learning; Gamification; Kindergarten; Mobile Learning
Verbal linguistic intelligence of the first-year students of Indonesian education program: A case in reading subject Hasanudin C., Fitrianingsih A. 10.12973/eu-jer.9.1.117 Indicator; Reading subject; Transition period; Verbal-linguistic intelligence
Professional learning communities in Malaysian schools: A contemporary literature review Ismail K., Ishak R., Kamaruddin S.H. 10.13189/ujer.2020.080447 Malaysia; Professional development; Professional learning communities; School
The effect of outdoor lessons in natural sciences on students’ knowledge, through tablets and experiential learning Cotič N., Plazar J., Starčič A.I., Zuljan D. 10.33225/jbse/20.19.747 Kolb’s experiential learning cycle; Natural science; Outdoor learning; Seashore
The effects of literature circles on reading fluency, reading comprehension and reader responses: A mixed method study Tosun D.K., Doğan B. 10.15390/EB.2020.8716 Literature Circles; Mixed Method; Reader Responses; Reading Comprehension; Reading Fluency
Content Analysis of Essential Economic Values in the Vocational Textbook as Compared to the Saudi Arabian Education Policy Document Aldoosry R.Z., Aldahmash A.H., Alfaifi M.S., Almutairi A.M., Aldossari A.S., Alshuaibi A.A., Alabbad A.H. 10.1155/2020/8855714
Pupils' motivation and perceptions on ESL lessons through online quiz-games Abdul Halim M.S.A., Hashim H., Yunus M.M. 10.20448/journal.509.2020.73.229.234 ESL lessons; Gamified-learning; Motivation; Online quiz-games; Perception; Technology-enhanced language learning
Training of early childhood teachers for the use of successful shared reading strategies Menotti A.R.S., Domeniconi C., da Costa A.R.A. 10.1590/2317-1782/20192018294 Child rearing; Language; Reading; Strategies; Teacher training
The effectiveness of visualization, auditory, kinesthetic (VAK) model toward writing narrative: Linguistic intelligence perspective Kusumawarti E., Subiyantoro S., Rukayah 10.29333/iji.2020.13442a Auditory; Auditory kinesthetic visualization; Kinesthetic; Linguistic intelligence; Narrative writing skills; Visualization
The Use of Seesaw in Increasing Pupils' Reading Interest Rou L.Y., Yunus M.M. 10.13189/ujer.2020.080623 ESL Learners; Reading Interest; Seesaw
Using online resources technology for foreign language learning: Strategies, impact, and challenges Saud S., Basri M., Ramly, Abduh A., Patak A.A. 10.18517/ijaseit.10.4.11838 Education learning; Language learning; Learning strategy; Online resource technology
Metacognitive model for developing science, technology and engineering functional literacy Cencelj Z., Aberšek B., Flogie A., Aberšek M.K. 10.33225/jbse/20.19.220 Engineering functional literacy; Functional literacy; Metacognitive didactic model; Science functional literacy; Technology
Comparison of decision making skills and self-efficacy perception levels in adolescents in terms of gender and grade variables Sarişan-Tungaç A., Yaman S., Bal-Incebacak B. 10.17275/PER. Decision making; Science education; Secondary school; Self-efficacy belief
The impact of texting language on nigerian students: A case study of final year linguistics students Braimoh J., Jr. 10.5785/36-1-900 Abbreviations; Impact; SMS; Student; Texting language; University
Self-destructive content in university teaching: New challenge in the digital competence of educators Sixto-García J., Duarte Melo A.G.S. 10.15581/ Continuing education; Digital natives; ICT skill; Learning networks; Mobile technology; Teaching innovation; Transmedia storytelling; University students
Pedagogical conditions for the development of self-educational competence of future specialists in the study of professional subjects Byhar H.P., Zvozdetska V.H., Prokop I.S., Pits I.I., Hordiichuk O.Y. 10.5430/ijhe.v9n7p257 Future specialists; Pedagogical conditions; Professional subjects; Self-education; Self-educational competence; Self-organization; Students
Digital Storytelling: Time to be Considered in Reading Comprehension Radaideh E., Al-Jamal D., Imad Sa'di 10.13189/ujer.2020.080645 Digital Storytelling; Jordan; Reading Comprehension Skills; Yarmouk University
Still a long way to go narrow and transmissive use of technology in the classroom Blikstad-Balas M., Klette K. 10.18261/ISSN.1891-943X-2020-01-05 Digital literacy; Lower-secondary school; Teaching with ICT; Technology uptake; Video observation
Teaching and learning methods in geography promoting sustainability Yli-Panula E., Jeronen E., Lemmetty P. 10.3390/educsci10010005 General education; Geography education; Higher education; Literature review; Outdoor education; Sustainability education
Towards a theory of parental support: Development of english first additional language for grade 4 learners Tsebe A.T., Scherman V. 10.4102/lit.v41i1.1642 English; Language development; Learners; Parents; Theory of parental support
Communicative culture formation of future social workers in the educational process of pedagogical university Omelchenko S., Chernukha N., Spivak Y., Spivak L., Uteubaeva E. 10.5430/IJHE.V9N4P283 Information and communication; Nonverbal communication; Professional education; Social worker; Verbal communication
Promoting Middle School Students’ Engagement Through Incorporating iPad Apps in EFL/ESL Classes Al-Bogami B., Elyas T. 10.1177/2158244020926570 apps; EFL/ESL; engagement; iPad in education; mobile technology in developing countries; Saudi Arabia; student centeredness
Secondary school mathematics teachers' views on e-learning implementation barriers during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of Indonesia Mailizar, Almanthari A., Maulina S., Bruce S. 10.29333/EJMSTE/8240 Barrier to e-Learning; E-learning during COVID-19; E-learning in Indonesia; E-Learning in mathematics education
Is Organizing Knowledge Effective in Primary Education? Cueli M., Álvarez A.I., Loew S., González-Castro P., Rodríguez C. 10.1155/2020/8879335
Cyber security skills of pre-service teachers as a factor in computer-assisted education Haseski H.İ. 10.46328/ijres.v1i1.1006 Attitude; Computer-assisted education; Personal cyber security; Pre-service teachers
Enhancing young children's language acquisition through parent–child book-sharing: A randomized trial in rural Kenya Knauer H.A., Jakiela P., Ozier O., Aboud F., Fernald L.C.H. 10.1016/j.ecresq.2019.01.002 Dialogic reading; Early childhood; Local-Language storybooks; Primary school readiness; Word gap
“I Wish I was Wearing a Filter Right Now”: An Exploration of Identity Formation and Subjectivity of 10- and 11-Year Olds’ Social Media Use Pescott C.K. 10.1177/2056305120965155 childhood; emotional risk; identity; social media; subjective experience
Examining change in perceptions of science teachers about e-stem Aydogdu B., Kasapoglu K., Duban N., Ay T.S., Ozdinc F. 10.33225/jbse/20.19.696 E-STEM education; Science teacher; STEM education; Teacher education
Designing online learning environments for flipped approaches in professional mathematics teacher development Weinhandl R., Lavicza Z., Houghton T. 10.28945/4573 Blended learning; Flipped approaches; Mathematics teaching; Online learning environments; Professional teacher development; Scaling-up innovations
Inquiry-based science education as a revision strategy Sotáková I., Ganajová M., Babinčáková M. 10.33225/jbse/20.19.499 Chemistry education; Cognitive processes; Confirmation inquiry; Secondary school
The Effectiveness of the Project-Based Learning (PBL) Approach as a Way to Engage Students in Learning Almulla M.A. 10.1177/2158244020938702 project-based learning (PBL); structural equation modeling (SEM); student engagement in learning
Gamification and computer science students' activity Garcia-Iruela M., Fonseca M.J., Hijon-Neira R., Chambel T. 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2997038 gamification; higher education; Student activity
Development and validation of robotic coding attitude scale Yalcin S.A., Kahraman S., Yilmaz Z.A. 10.46328/IJEMST.V8I4.924 Attitude; Reliability; Robotic coding; Scale development; Validity
The effect of e-learning strategy at primary school level on understanding structure and states of matter Nuić I., Glažar S.A. 10.29333/ejmste/114483 Macroscopic level; Misconception; Structure and states of matter; Students' achievements; Submicroscopic level; Web-based learning material
The impact of combining communicative traits of writing with cooperative learning on trainee teachers' pedagogical knowledge and attitudes Hussien A.M. 10.29333/iji.2020.13152a Attitudes; Communicative traits of writing; Cooperative learning; Pedagogical knowledge; Writing instruction
Effective experiences: A social cognitive analysis of young students’ technology self-efficacy and STEM attitudes Huang K.-T., Ball C., Cotten S.R., O’Neal L. 10.17645/si.v8i2.2612 Digital inclusion; Enactive experience; Learning; Perception of teachers; STEM attitudes; Students; Technology efficacy; Vicarious experience
Digital citizenship approach and teacher profile [Aproximación a la ciudadanía digital y el perfil del profesor] Trapero F.G.A., Vázquez Parra J.C., Martínez M.D.J.G. 10.14201/eks.20954 Digital society; Educational innovation; Internet
Academic Achievement and Peer Tutoring in Mathematics: A Comparison Between Primary and Secondary Education Alegre F., Moliner L., Maroto A., Lorenzo-Valentin G. 10.1177/2158244020929295 academic achievement; mathematics; peer tutoring; primary education; secondary education
Analysing dialogue in STEM classrooms in Ecuador: A dual socioeconomic context in a high school Ching-Chiang L.-W.C., Fernández-Cárdenas J.M. 10.7821/naer.2020.7.529 Classroom interaction; Dialogic learning; Dialogue; Science education; Teaching practices
Special teachers and the use of co-teaching in Swedish-speaking schools in Finland Sundqvist C., Björk-Åman C., Ström K. 10.1080/20004508.2020.1793490 Co-teaching; inclusive education; questionnaire; special education teachers; teacher collaboration
Exploring the perception of students using student-centered learning approach in a Malaysian public university Benlahcene A., Lashari S.A., Lashari T.A., Shehzad M.W., Deli W. 10.5430/ijhe.v9n1p204 Affective; Cognitive; Environmental; Metacognitive mediation; Qualitative; Student-centered learning
Writing motivation and the ability in writing a research proposal of generation Z students based on cognitive style Andheska H., Suparno S., Dawud D., Suyitno I. 10.17478/jegys.651436 Cognitive; Generation Z; Motivation; Writing
Learning integers with realistic mathematics education approach based on islamic values Muslimin, Indra Putri R.I., Zulkardi, Aisyah N. 10.22342/JME.11.3.11721.363-384 Design research; Islamic values; Learning integers; Realistic Mathematics Education
Active and emerging methodologies for ubiquitous education: Potentials of flipped learning and gamification Parra-González M.E., Belmonte J.L., Segura-Robles A., Cabrera A.F. 10.3390/su12020602 Educational innovation; Flipped learning; Gamification; ICT; Innovative methodologies; Methodological contrast; Transformative pedagogies
Metacognition and integrated-project based learning (I-PjBL) in elementary schools Maryani I., Putri D.R., Urbayatun S., Suyatno, Bhakti C.P. 10.13189/ujer.2020.080339 Female; I-PjBL; Knowledge; Male; Metacognition; Regulated
An Approximation to Inclusive Language in LMOOCs Based on Appraisal Theory Barcena E., Read T., Sedano B. 10.1515/opli-2020-0003 Appraisal Theory; Inclusive Language; Language MOOCs (LMOOCs); Refugees and migrants
Texts and pictures serve different functions in conjoint mental model construction and adaptation Zhao F., Schnotz W., Wagner I., Gaschler R. 10.3758/s13421-019-00962-0 Adaptive mental model specification; Eye tracking; Initial mental model construction; Text–picture integration
Virtual mathematics kits (VMK): The value of spatial orientation on it Pradana L.N., Sa'dijah C., Sulandra I.M., Sudirman, Sholikhah O.H. 10.12973/eu-jer.9.3.1105 Digital media; Extracurricular activities; Spatial orientation; Virtual mathematics kits
The distribution and productivity of whole-class dialogues: Exploring the potential of microblogging Frøytlog J.I.J., Rasmussen I. 10.1016/j.ijer.2019.101501 Design-based intervention; Microblogs; Mixed methods; Participation; Productive dialogues; Technology-supported learning; Whole-class
The effect of foreign language education on preschoolers’ native language development Uslu B., Ersan C. 10.46328/ijres.v0i0.1087
Digital learning, smartphone usage, and digital culture in indonesia education Sari A.I., Suryani N., Rochsantiningsih D., Suharno S. 10.15507/1991-9468.098.024.202001.020-031 Digital culture; Digital fluency; Digital learning resources; Smartphone usage; Technology utilization
Exploring teachers' attitudes towards teachers' learning community in Government Schools in Kuwait Al Shammari I., Testerman J., Halimi F. 10.36941/jesr-2020-0019 Collaboration; Kuwait; Leadership; TLC; Willingness
Promoting multiculturalism: Teachers' English proficiency and multicultural education in Indonesia Diem C.D., Abdullah U. 10.17509/IJAL.V10I1.24983 EFL teachers; English proficiency; Multicultural education; Multiculturalism
A case study on improving reading fluency at a university in the UAE Eppard J., Baroudi S., Rochdi A. 10.29333/iji.2020.13148a Accuracy; Automaticity; Listening while reading; Reading comprehension; Reading fluency; Reading rate; Second language learning; United Arab Emirates context
Technical and vocational education and training in the UAE Owais A.K., Al Abidi S.M., Hatamleh Z.M., Hussein E.T. 10.3991/ijet.v15i13.13801 Curriculum Development; Integration of Technology; Technical and Vocational Education and Training; TVET; UAE; UK Introduction
Cultural diversity in the adoption of open education in the mediterranean Basin: Collectivist values and power distance in the universities of the middle east [La diversidad cultural en la adopción de la educación abierta en las universidades de Oriente Medio: Colectivismo y distancia del poder] Cachia R., Aldaoud M., Eldeib A.M., Hiari O., Tweissi A., Villar-Onrubia D., Wimpenny K., Jariego I.M. 10.12795/araucaria.2020.i44.03 Community readiness; Individualism-collectivism; Middle east; Open education; Power distance
The new face of digital books in genetic learning: A preliminary development study for students' critical thinking Riyanto, Amin M., Suwono H., Lestari U. 10.3991/ijet.v15i10.14321 E-book; Flipbook; Genetic; Interactive
AR mobile application in learning Hajj for children in Malaysia Madi N.A.M., Albakry N.S., Ibrahim N. 10.3991/ijim.v14i16.12807 Augmented reality (AR); Children; Early childhood education; Hajj; Mobile learning application
Supporting finnish language learners in basic education: Teachers' views Harju-Autti R., Sinkkonen H.-M. 10.18251/ijme.v22i1.2077 Finnish basic education; Immigrant students; Linguistic support; Multilingualism; Scaffolding
Development of Problem-Solving Efficacy Scales in Mathematics Dagdag J.D., Anoling O.C., Salviejo R.P., Pascual J.F., Dagdag J.M.H. 10.13189/ujer.2020.080624 Component; Factor Analysis; Mathematics; Problem-solving Efficacy; Scales; Self-Efficacy
The effect of complex instruction team product (CITP) learning model on increase student's skills Rumahlatu D., Sangur K., Liline S. 10.29333/iji.2020.13138a CITP; Cognitive learning results; Creative thinking skills; Critical thinking skills; Metacognitive skills; Retention and scientific attitudes
Validation of an indicator model (INCODIES) for assessing student digital competence in basic education Muñoz-Repiso A.G., Martín S.C., Gómez-Pablos V.B. 10.7821/naer.2020.1.459 Basic education; Basic life skills; Digital technology; Educational indicators; Student evaluation
Assessing the soft skills needs of teacher education students AlHouli A.I., Al-Khayatt A.K.A. 10.18488/journal.61.2020.83.416.431 Acquisition of soft skills; College of education; College students; Soft skills; Student teachers’ soft skills; Teacher education
Promoting digital literacy skills: An action research to people of Kampung Literasi Suherman A., Supriyadi T., Safari I. 10.13189/ujer.2020.080430 Action research; Adult literacy; Descriptive analysis; Digital literacy; Literacy development
Towards a new conceptualization of Learning to Learn [Hacia una nueva conceptualización del Aprender a Aprender] Caena F., Stringher C. 10.17811/rifie.49.3.2020.199-216 Developmental model; European Key Competences; Learning to Learn; Pedagogical approach; Personal development; Socio-emotional competences
Skills in the area of digital safety as a key component of digital literacy among teachers Tomczyk Ł. 10.1007/s10639-019-09980-6 Challenge; Digital literacy; Dunning-Kruger effect; E-safety; Lifelong learning; Poland; Safety; Teachers
Teacher practice and integration of ict: Why are or aren't south african teachers using icts in their classrooms Graham M.A., Stols G., Kapp R. 10.29333/iji.2020.13251a Education; ICT integration; Mathematics education; Technology acceptance; UTAUT
Content analysis of university students' interethnic tolerance reflected in russian and english-language media education of the post-soviet period (1992?2000) Chelysheva I., Mikhaleva G. 10.13187/IJMIL.2020.1.15 English-Speaking Countries; Interethnic Tolerance; Media Education; Russia; University Students.
Flipping the Classroom to Enhance Academic Vocabulary Learning in an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Course Knežević L., Županec V., Radulović B. 10.1177/2158244020957052 academic vocabulary; flipped classroom; instructional efficiency; mental effort; perceptions toward learning
The Effect of Play-Based Math Activities on Different Areas of Development in Children 48 to 60 Months of Age Taner Derman M., Şahin Zeteroğlu E., Ergişi Birgül A. 10.1177/2158244020919531 development; math; play-based activities; preschool education
Citizen Science, K-12 science education and use of technology: A synthesis of empirical research Tsivitanidou O.E., Ioannou A. 10.22323/2.19040901 Citizen keywords science; Science education
Comparative cross-cultural study in digital literacy [Dijital okuryazarlık üzerine karşılaştırmalı kültürlerarası bir çalışma] Hamutoglu N.B., Gemikonakli O., De Raffaele C., Gezgin D.M. 10.14689/ejer.2020.88.6 Comparison; Developed and developing countries; Digital literacy; Gender; Information and communication technology (ICT)
Organizational instructional interventions in bridging skills gap in education Otara A. 10.46328/ijres.v6i4.1187 Interventions; Organization; Programs; Skill gap; Training
What Do Teachers Think They Want? A Comparative Study of In-Service Language Teachers’ Beliefs on LAL Training Needs Vogt K., Tsagari D., Spanoudis G. 10.1080/15434303.2020.1781128
A quantitative study of the learning materials used in Danish L1 Bundsgaard J., Buch B., Fougt S.S. 10.17239/L1ESLL-2020.20.02.05 Danish L1; L1 content; Learning materials; Quantitative study; Teaching approaches
EECN: Analysis, potency, benefit for students knowledge and attitude to conserve mangroves and coral reefs Sigit D.V., Miarsyah M., Komala R., Suryanda A., Ichsan I.Z., Fadrikal R. 10.29333/iji.2020.1318a Attitude; Conservation of mangroves; EECN; Environmental education; Knowledge; Students
Guidelines for generating effective feedback from E-assessments [E-sınavlardan etkin geri bildirim üretmek için öneriler] Bulut O., Cutumisu M., Singh D., Aquilina A.M. 10.16986/HUJE.2020063705 Computerized assessment; E-assessment; Feedback; Score reporting; Test development
Views on interactive e-book use in science education of teachers and students who perform e-book applications [Uygulamaları gerçekleştiren öğretmen ve öğrencilerin fen eğitiminde etkileşimli ekitap kullanımına ilişkin görüşleri] Ormancı Ü., Çepni S. 10.17569/tojqi.569211 Interactive e-book; Science education; Science teacher; Secondary school student; View
Teens’ Motivations to Spread Fake News on WhatsApp Herrero-Diz P., Conde-Jiménez J., Reyes de Cózar S. 10.1177/2056305120942879 disinformation; fake news; sharing behavior; teens; WhatsApp
Technological and pedagogical models: Analysis of factors and measurement of learning outcomes in education Susanto R., Rachmadtullah R., Rachbini W. 10.29333/ejecs/311 Learning outcome; Pedagogical; Technological
External and internal barriers in technology integration: A structural regression analysis Hamutoglu N.B., Basarmak U. 10.28945/4497 External barriers; Internal barriers; Teacher; Technology integration
Graphic symbol based interactive animation development process for deaf or hard of hearing students Şılbır L., Coşar A.M., Kartal Y., Altun T., Atasoy M., Özçamkan-Ayaz G. 10.26822/iejee.2020459466 Deaf or Hard of Hearing (D/HH); Education; Symbols-Based Animation
Organisational quality of ESL argumentative essays and its influence on pre-service teachers’ judgments Vögelin C., Jansen T., Keller S.D., Machts N., Möller J. 10.1080/2331186X.2020.1760188 cohesive devices; organisation; paragraphing; second language writing; writing assessment
Measuring students environmental problem solving ability across gender and school differences using paper based testing Ridhwan, Sumarmi, Ruja I.N., Utomo D.H., Sari R.M. 10.3991/ijet.v15i13.11709 Environmental Problem Solving; Gender; Paper Based Testing; Schools
Technology-enriched social story intervention: Engaging children with autism spectrum disorders in social communication Almumen H., Almuhareb K. 10.20489/intjecse.726397 Autism spectrum disorders; IPad; Social story; Technology
Analysis of interpersonal competences in the use of ICT in the Spanish university context Vázquez-Cano E., Urrutia M.L., Parra-González M.E., Meneses E.L. 10.3390/su12020476 Digital competence; Educational innovation; Interpersonal competences; Spain; University
Teachers’ practices mediate the association between teachers’ ideas and children's perceived participation in early childhood education Correia N., Carvalho H., Fialho M., Aguiar C. 10.1016/j.childyouth.2019.104668 Children's perceived participation; Early childhood education; Participation; Right to participate; Teachers’ ideas; Teachers’ practices
The interplay between emotional intelligence, oral communication skills and second language speaking anxiety: A structural equation modeling approach Alghorbany A., Hamzah M.H. 10.17576/3L-2020-2601-04 Emotional intelligence; Malaysian ESL students; Oral communication skills; Second language speaking anxiety; Structural equation modeling
Reporting writing process feedback in the classroom using keystroke logging data to reflect on writing processes Vandermeulen N., Leijten M., Van Waes L. 10.17239/JOWR-2020.12.01.05 Keystroke logging; Process feedback; Self-assessment; Writing from sources; Writing processes
Measurement of High-School Students' Trait Math Anxiety Using Neurophysiological Recordings during Math Exam Qu Z., Chen J., Li B., Tan J., Zhang D., Zhang Y. 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2982198 Ecological validity; heart rate; math anxiety; neurophysiological recordings; skin conductance; wearable sensing
Prerequisites for elementary school teachers before practicing STEM education with students: A case study [İlkokul öğretmenlerinin öğrencilerle fen, matematik, mühendislik, teknoloji (STEM) eğitimi öncesi gereksinimleri; durum çalışması] Aydin G. 10.14689/ejer.2020.88.1 Elementary teacher education; Engineering design process; Life-STEM; STEM education; Thematic analysis
ICT in EFL teaching and learning: A systematic literature review Sabiri K.A. 10.30935/cet.665350 Barriers and solutions of ICT use; EFL teaching; ICT; Teachers’ attitudes and beliefs on ICT use
Formative assessment: A systematic review of critical teacher prerequisites for classroom practice Schildkamp K., van der Kleij F.M., Heitink M.C., Kippers W.B., Veldkamp B.P. 10.1016/j.ijer.2020.101602 Assessment for learning; Classroom practice; Data-based decision making; Formative assessment; Systematic review; Teacher prerequisites
Expert teacher perceptions of two-way feedback interaction Tan F.D.H., Whipp P.R., Gagné M., Van Quaquebeke N. 10.1016/j.tate.2019.102930
Adoption of digital storytelling tool in natural sciences and technology education by pre-service teachers using the technology acceptance model Lazar I., Panisoara G., Panisoara I.-O. 10.33225/jbse/20.19.429 Digital storytelling tool; Natural sciences didactics; Pre-service teachers’ digital age; Pre-service teachers’ status; TAM model; Technology education didactics
Stereotypical gender associations in language have decreased over time Jones J.J., Amin M.R., Kim J., Skiena S. 10.15195/v7.a1 Gender; Gender ideology; Implicit bias; Natural language processing; Stereotypes; Word embeddings
Incidence of a non-sustainability use of technology on students' reading performance in Pisa Vázquez-Cano E., Gómez-Galán J., Infante-Moro A., López-Meneses E. 10.3390/su12020749 Digital devices; Frequency of use; ICT; Non-academic activities; Outside of school; PISA; Reading competence; Reading performance
Utilizing the affordances of digital learning materials Berthelsen U.D., Tannert M. 10.17239/L1ESLL-2020.20.02.03 Affordances; Digital learning materials; Digital transformation; Digitization; Learning environ-ments; Materiality
Early Childhood Educators’ Attitudes to Internet Self-Efficacy and Internet-Related Instructional Applications: The Mediating Effects of Internet Enjoyment and Professional Support Hsu P.-C., Chang I.-H., Chen R.-S. 10.1177/2158244020914390 internet enjoyment; internet self-efficacy; internet-related instructional applications; mediating effects; professional support
Digital literacies and children’s personalized books: Locating the ‘self’ Kucirkova N., Mackey M. 10.14324/LRE.18.2.01 Algorithms; Artificial intelligence; Children’s books; Personalization; Reading
Digital technologies in early childhood: Attitudes and practices of parents and teachers in Kosovo Gjelaj M., Buza K., Shatri K., Zabeli N. 10.29333/iji.2020.13111a Attitudes; Digital technology; Parents; Practices; Preschool teacher
Measuring Parental Literacy Beliefs in a Socio-Economically, Linguistically and Ethnically Diverse Sample Krijnen E., Van Steensel R., Meeuwisse M., Severiens S. 10.1080/10409289.2020.1785227
If you can program you can write: Learning introductory programming across literacy levels Hassenfeld Z.R., Govind M., de Ruiter L.E., Bers M.U. 10.28945/4509 Computer science education; Curricula; Early childhood; Emerging programming; Literacy; Pedagogy
The influence of whole brain teaching (WBT) to the motoric and linguistic skills of preschoolers Emyus A.Z., Degeng I.N.S., Setyosari P., Ulfa S. 10.29333/iji.2020.13449a Linguistic ability; Motoric ability; Preschool children; Visual literacy; Whole brain teaching (WBT)
Electronic storybook design, kindergartners' visual attention, and print awareness: An eye-tracking investigation Liao C.-N., Chang K.-E., Huang Y.-C., Sung Y.-T. 10.1016/j.compedu.2019.103703 Human-computer interface; Intelligent tutoring systems; Multimedia/hypermedia systems; Teaching/learning strategies
Didactic potential of using mobile technologies in the development of mathematical thinking Soboleva E.V., Chirkina S.E., Kalugina O.A., Shvetsov M.Y., Kazinets V.A., Pokaninova E.B. 10.29333/ejmste/118214 Digital economy; Education; Engineering and technical training; Mathematical literacy; Mathematical thinking; Mobile technologies; Professions of the future; Soft skills
Play-and-learn spaces: Leveraging library spaces to promote caregiver and child interaction Hassinger-Das B., Zosh J.M., Hansen N., Talarowski M., Zmich K., Golinkoff R.M., Hirsh-Pasek K. 10.1016/j.lisr.2020.101002
Critically Reviewing GraphoGame Across the World: Recommendations and Cautions for Research and Implementation of Computer-Assisted Instruction for Word-Reading Acquisition McTigue E.M., Solheim O.J., Zimmer W.K., Uppstad P.H. 10.1002/rrq.256 1-Early childhood; 2-Childhood; Classroom Practices; Cognitive; Computer-based Instruction; Cross-Cultural Analysis; Decoding; Decoding; Developmental Theories; Digital/media literacy; Early Literacy; Instructional Materials; Instructional strategies; methods and materials; Interactional Sociolinguistics; Linguistic; Literary Theory; Meta-Analysis; Mixed Methods; Narrative Analysis; Research Synthesis; Struggling learners
Cogenerative dialogue of cross-generation educators to improve chemistry teaching quality through technology Hidayah F.F., Imaduddin M., Praptaningrum D.N.W., Ristanti D.A. 10.17478/jegys.654941 Chemistry educators; Chemistry teaching quality; Cogenerative dialogue; Cross-generation educators; Technological pedagogical content knowledge
Analysis of the quality of online resources for parents of children who are late to talk Coughler C., M Burke S., Cardy J.O. 10.1177/2396941520917940 children; language; Late talker; parents; website evaluation
Understanding patterns of child material deprivation in five regions of the world: A children's rights perspective Shamrova D., Lampe J. 10.1016/j.childyouth.2019.104595 Children; Children's rights; International survey of child well-being; Latent class analysis; Material deprivation
#Gymlad - young boys learning processes and health-related social media Goodyear V., Quennerstedt M. 10.1080/2159676X.2019.1673470 feedback; gym; Instagram; likes; praise; Snapchat; Workout
Usability evaluation of a tangible user interface and serious game for identification of cognitive deficiencies in preschool children Sánchez-Morales A., Durand-Rivera J.A., Martínez-González C.L. 10.14569/IJACSA.2020.0110661 HCI; Input device; Usability; User interface; Wizard of Oz
Innovative graphing skills through interrogation of silent ingredients Shiyyab M.M. 10.3991/ijet.v15i12.11675 Graphing skills; Pedagogy of mathematics; Silent features; Specialized content knowledge
Mobile game-based language assessment Delcker J., Ifenthaler D. 10.3991/ijet.v15i03.11672 Eyetracking; Game-based assessment; Language development; Mobile tool; Tablet
The akeffa tutor application: A new arabic writing system Jamal A.T., Aljojo N., Al-Ghamdi M.S., Hindi B.A., Al-Ghanmi M.K., Al-Jahdali S.Y., Karam B.M., Abualaja T.F. 10.3991/ijim.v14i02.11727 Akeffa; Educational system; Keyboard; Learner; Visually impairment; Voiceover
Effects of the application of stem curriculum integration model to living technology teaching on business school students’ learning effectiveness Gunawan S., Shieh C.-J. 10.30935/cedtech/8583 Business school; Learning effectiveness; Living technology teaching; STEM curriculum
Understanding early childhood engineering interest development as a familylevel systems phenomenon: Findings from the head start on engineering project Pattison S., Svarovsky G., Ramos-Montanẽz S., Gontan I., Weiss S., Nuńẽz V., Corrie P., Smith C., Benne M. 10.7771/2157-9288.1234 Diversity and equity; Early childhood; Family learning; Head Start; Interest development; Preschool; Qualitative case study; Science and engineering; Systems theory
Use of Augmented Reality with a Motion-Controlled Game Utilizing Alphabet Letters and Numbers to Improve Performance and Reaction Time Skills for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder Antão J.Y.F.D.L., Abreu L.C.D., Barbosa R.T.D.A., Crocetta T.B., Guarnieri R., Massetti T., Antunes T.P.C., Tonks J., Monteiro C.B.D.M. 10.1089/cyber.2019.0103 augmented reality; autism; serious games; virtual reality; virtual reality exposure therapy
E-task-based learning approach to enhancing 21st-century learning outcomes Al Kandari A.M., Al Qattan M.M. 10.29333/iji.2020.13136a 21st-century learning outcomes; 21st-century skills; Authentic assessment; Instructional design; Learning environment; Task-based approach
Narrative comprehension and engagement with e-books vs. paper-books in autism spectrum condition Wainwright B.R., Allen M.L., Cain K. 10.1177/2396941520917943 autism; e-books; engagement; Narrative comprehension
Learning management strategy of communication studies through blended learning in higher education Putri K.Y.S., Abdullah Z.B., Nugrahaeni E., Darmawan R., Latifa 10.3991/ijim.v14i16.15725 Blended learning; Communication studies; Higher education; Hoax
Discovering the great royal seal: New reality of vygotsky's legacy Veresov N.N. 10.17759/chp.2020160212 Cultural-historical theory; The development of higher psychological functions; Vygotsky
Degree and not type of iconicity affects sign language vocabulary acquisition Caselli N.K., Pyers J.E. 10.1037/xlm0000713 Degree of iconicity; Sign language; Type of iconicity; Vocabulary acquisition
Hand position affects performance on multiplication tasks Davoli C.C., O’rear C.D., McAulay E., McNeil N.M., Brockmole J.R. 10.5964/jnc.v6i1.211 Action; Embodied cognition; Hand placement; Hand posture; Mathematical learning and performance; STEM education
Theoretical foundations of adolescent development through tagiuri’s taxonomy: Analysis of educational setting as an organizational climate Aslan M., Kosir S., Levidze M. 10.2174/1874350102013010160 Adaptive and delinquent behavior; Adolescence; Scaled taxonomy; School attachment; Student development; Tagiuri’s taxonomy
Investigating metacognitive knowledge in reading comprehension: The case of Indonesian undergraduate students Hamiddin, Saukah A. 10.17509/ijal.v9i3.23211 English as a foreign language student; Metacognitive knowledge; Reading comprehension
Mobile Learning in Higher Education: Structural Equation Model for Good Teaching Practices Romero-Rodriguez J.-M., Aznar-Diaz I., Hinojo-Lucena F.-J., Gomez-Garcia G. 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2994967 Good teaching practices; Higher education; Mobile devices; Mobile learning; Structural equation model
Effects of drama method on social communication skills: A comparative analysis Batdı V., Elaldı Ş. 10.46328/ijres.v1i1.962
The role of emotional intelligence and autonomy in transformational leadership: A leader member exchange perspective Waglay M., Becker J.R., Du Plessis M. 10.4102/sajip.v46i0.1762 Autonomy; Emotional intelligence; Job characteristics; Job performance; Leader member exchange (lmx); Transformational leadership
Using computer programs for language sample analysis Pezold M.J., Imgrund C.M., Storkel H.L. 10.1044/2019_LSHSS-18-0148
Disentangling objective characteristics of learning situations from subjective perceptions thereof, using an experience sampling method design Moeller J., Viljaranta J., Kracke B., Dietrich J. 10.14786/flr.v8i3.529 Experience sampling method; Inter-rater agreement; Momentary motivation; Subjective self-reports
The development of 'Jeger' application using android platform as history learning media and model Sulistyo W.D., Kurniawan M.N.L.K.B. 10.3991/IJET.V15I07.11649 'JEGER'; Application; General Sudirman; Guerrilla; Pacitan
The relationship between executive functions and language production in 5-6-year-old children: Insights from working memory and storytelling Veraksa A., Bukhalenkova D., Kartushina N., Oshchepkova E. 10.3390/bs10020052 Narrative; Oral language; Preschool age; Verbal working memory; Visual working memory
The correlation between metacognitive skills and critical thinking skills at the implementation of four different learning strategies in animal physiology lectures Amin A.M., Corebima A.D., Zubaidah S., Mahanal S. 10.12973/eu-jer.9.1.143 ADI learning; Animal Physiology; Critical Thinking Skills; Learning Strategy; Metacognitive Skills
Visual communication analysis (VCA): Applying self-determination theory and research-based practices to autism Shkedy G., Shkedy D., Sandoval-Norton A.H., Fantaroni G. 10.1080/23311908.2020.1803581 Autism; functional communication; maladaptive behaviors; self-determination; self-injurious behaviors
How robust is the link between working memory for serial order and lexical skills in children? Attout L., Grégoire C., Majerus S. 10.1016/j.cogdev.2020.100854 Language; Serial order; Short-term memory; Vocabulary development
Lexical measures for testing progress in Hebrew as Arab students' L2 Rabiah E.A. 10.17263/jlls.803551 Assessing writing; Level of abstractness; Lexical density; Lexical diversity; Lexicon development; Second language acquisition
Emotional Speech Comprehension in Deaf Children with Cochlear Implant Le Maner-Idrissi G., Le Sourn Bissaoui S., Dardier V., Codet M., Botte-Bonneton N., Delahaye F., Laval V., Aguert M., Tan-Bescond G., Godey B. 10.2478/plc-2020-0003 Deaf children; Emotional speech; Implant cochlear; Pragmatic abilities; Prosody
The relationship between prospective middle school mathematics teachers’ critical thinking skills and reflective thinking skills Erdoğan F. 10.17275/per. Critical thinking; Mathematics education; Prospective mathematics teacher; Reflective thinking; Teacher education

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