Non-Euclidean Game Tutorial

Материал из Поле цифровой дидактики
Описание Код решений, которые используются при создании игр типа «Неевклидова игра». «Неевклидова игра» — это то, что разработчики игр часто называют игрой, в которой мировое пространство не работает так, как работает реальный мир. Например, размещение огромной комнаты в небольшом пространстве или подъем по лестнице опускает игрока на уровень ниже. Возможности безграничны.
Область знаний Информатика
Область использования (ISTE) Computational Thinker
Возрастная категория 12

Поясняющее видео TEuDC5w
Близкие рецепту понятия
Среды и средства для приготовления рецепта: Scratch

Пример проекта




First, two sprites need to be created: the Player and the Walls. Make the player a 27 x 27 cube. Then, make two costumes for the wall.


Now that these sprites have been created, there needs to be some logic. A basic scrolling engine will be used. First, create these global (for all sprites) variables:


Then, in the Player and Walls sprite, create these variables (for this sprite only):


Back to the Player sprite, create these scripts:

when green flag clicked //This is the only green flag block in the project.
broadcast (init v) and wait //This is completed before the project starts.
broadcast (game on v)

when I receive [init v] //This allows the player to reset the positioning
set [x v] to (0)
set [y v] to (-50)
set [SCROLL X v] to (0)
set [SCROLL Y v] to (-50)

when I receive [game on v] //This starts the only loop in the project.
tick:: custom
broadcast (tick v) and wait //This sends the loop over to the other sprites.

define tick //Run without screen refresh.
if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then
change y by [5]:: custom //This is a custom block.
if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then
change y by [-5]:: custom //This is a custom block.
if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then
change x by [5]:: custom // this is a custom block
if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then
change x by [-5]:: custom // this is a custom block
position:: custom
change [SCROLL X v] by (round(((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (5))) //These set the SCROLL X and SCROLL Y to the player's position, allowing the other sprites to move while the player is stationary.
change [SCROLL Y v] by (round(((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (5)))

define position //Run without screen refresh.
go to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))

define change x by (sx) //Run without screen refresh.
change [x v] by (sx)
position:: custom
if <touching (walls v)?> then //Wall detection.
repeat until <not<touching (walls v)?>>
if <(sx) > (0)> then
change [x v] by (-1)
change [x v] by (1)
position:: custom

define change y by (sy) //Run without screen refresh.
change [y v] by (sy)
position:: custom
if <touching (walls v)?> then //Wall detection.
repeat until <not<touching (walls v)?>>
if <(sy) > (0)> then
change [y v] by (-1)
change [y v] by (1)
position:: custom

Now, in the Walls sprite, add this local (for this sprite only) variable:


With this variable, the non-Euclidean logic can be created:

when I receive [init v] //Set the variables to the right values.
set [x v] to (0)
set [y v] to (0)
set [int/out? v] to [out]
switch costume to (short v)
set rotation style [left-right v]
point in direction (90)
position ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y)):: custom

when I receive [tick v] // run in the loop
position ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y)):: custom

define position (x) (y) //Run without screen refresh.
set size to (200)% //Making the sprite bigger when it moves allows for smoother off screen scrolling.
go to x: (x) y: (y)
if <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then
in/out detection:: custom
set size to (100)%

define in/out detection //Run without screen refresh.
if <(in/out?) = [out]> then //Detect if the player is in, ONLY if it was previously out (helps with lag).
if <<(x position) < [145]> and <([abs v] of (y position)) < [13]>> then
switch costume to (long v)
set [in/out? v] to [in]
if <(in/out) = [in]> then //Detects if the player is out, ONLY if it was previously in (helps with lag).
if <<(x position) < [145]> and <([abs v] of (y position)) > [12]>> then
switch costume to (short v)
set [in/out? v] to [out]

A non-Euclidean game has been created. This basic logic can be applied to any form changing tunnels.