Шаблон:Wiki Standards
A driving engine is used in a variety of racing games, and can be very easy to replicate. There are two main ways that top-down driving works- in a non-scrollable world and a scrollable world. For the non-scrollable driving engine, only 1 script is needed.
Non-scrollable Engine
Scrollable Engine
The main difference between the scrollable driving engine and the non-scrollable driving engine is that a non-scrollable driving engine is good for one computer, two player games, while a scrollable engine is primarily used in one player or online, cloud-based games.The scrollable driving engine requires two sprites- car and road- and as such, two separate scripts. The first one is very similar to the non-scrollable script.
Here is the script that controls the movement of the 'road' the car is driving on. Шаблон:Note