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Список всех страниц, содержащих свойство «Description» со значением «The PDCA cycle is a continuous improvement model that stands for Plan-Do-Check-Act. It is also known as the Deming cycle or the Shewhart cycle. The PDCA cycle is a problem-solving approach that helps organizations to improve their processes and products. The four stages of the PDCA cycle are as follows: 1. Plan: This stage involves identifying the problem, setting goals, and developing a plan to achieve those goals. The plan should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). 2. Do: This stage involves implementing the plan. The plan should be executed according to the defined steps, and the results should be monitored. 3. Check: This stage involves evaluating the results of the implementation. The results should be compared to the goals set in the planning stage. If the results are not satisfactory, the plan should be revised. 4. Act: This stage involves taking action based on the results of the evaluation. If the results are satisfactory, the plan should be standardized and implemented. If the results are not satisfactory, the plan should be revised, and the cycle should start again. The PDCA cycle is a continuous process, and it can be applied to any process or product. It helps organizations to identify and solve problems, improve processes, and achieve their goals.». Так как количество точных результатов невелико, также показаны страницы, содержащие близкие значения данного свойства.

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    • PDCA cycle  + (The PDCA cycle is a continuous improvementThe PDCA cycle is a continuous improvement model that stands for Plan-Do-Check-Act. It is also known as the Deming cycle or the Shewhart cycle. The PDCA cycle is a problem-solving approach that helps organizations to improve their processes and products. </br></br>The four stages of the PDCA cycle are as follows:</br></br>1. Plan: This stage involves identifying the problem, setting goals, and developing a plan to achieve those goals. The plan should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).</br></br>2. Do: This stage involves implementing the plan. The plan should be executed according to the defined steps, and the results should be monitored.</br></br>3. Check: This stage involves evaluating the results of the implementation. The results should be compared to the goals set in the planning stage. If the results are not satisfactory, the plan should be revised.</br></br>4. Act: This stage involves taking action based on the results of the evaluation. If the results are satisfactory, the plan should be standardized and implemented. If the results are not satisfactory, the plan should be revised, and the cycle should start again.</br></br>The PDCA cycle is a continuous process, and it can be applied to any process or product. It helps organizations to identify and solve problems, improve processes, and achieve their goals.mprove processes, and achieve their goals.)