Collaborative knowledge ACM (dataset)

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Какие поля используем

  • "Item Type" - например, journalArticle или book или conferencePaper
  • "Publication Year" - год публикации
  • "Author" - автор
  • "Title" - Название работы
  • "Publication Title" - название журнала
  • "ISBN",
  • "ISSN"
  • "DOI"
  • "Url" - ссылка
  • "Abstract Note",

"Date Added","Date Modified","Access Date","Pages","Num Pages","Issue","Volume","Number Of Volumes","Journal Abbreviation","Short Title","Series","Series Number","Series Text","Series Title","Publisher","Place","Language","Rights","Type","Archive","Archive Location","Library Catalog","Call Number","Extra","Notes","File Attachments","Link Attachments","Manual Tags","Automatic Tags","Editor","Series Editor","Translator","Contributor","Attorney Agent","Book Author","Cast Member","Commenter","Composer","Cosponsor","Counsel","Interviewer","Producer","Recipient","Reviewed Author","Scriptwriter","Words By","Guest","Number","Edition","Running Time","Scale","Medium","Artwork Size","Filing Date","Application Number","Assignee","Issuing Authority","Country","Meeting Name","Conference Name","Court","References","Reporter","Legal Status","Priority Numbers","Programming Language","Version","System","Code","Code Number","Section","Session","Committee","History","Legislative Body"

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Система обработки больших данных для анализа событий репозитория GitHub Международная Конференция По Мягким Вычислениям И Измерениям Воинов, Н. В.; K. Родригес Гарсон; Никифоров, И. В.; Дробинцев, П. Д.
Wiki support for automated definition of software test cases Kybernetes Antonelli, Leandro; Hozikian, Mariángeles; Camilleri, Guy; Fernandez, Alejandro; Grigera, Julian; Torres, Diego; Zarate, Pascale
When Knowledge Network is Social Network: Understanding Collaborative Knowledge Transfer in Workplace Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. Yang, Chi-Lan; Yuan, Chien Wen (Tina); Wang, Hao-Chuan
Open Models: Beyond the Open Source Software Development SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes Jin, Zhi
FASim: A 3D Serious Game for the First Aid Emergency Simul. Gaming Benkhedda, Samira; Bendella, Fatima
Supporting Interventions to Reduce Household Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Transdisciplinary Role-Playing Game Development Simul. Gaming Slegers, Karin; Bleumers, Lizzy; Maurer, Bernhard; Krischkowsky, Alina; Blythe, Mark; Agusdinata, Datu Buyung; Lukosch, Heide
Cultivating Virtuous Course Designers: Using Technical Communication to Reimagine Accessibility in Higher Education Commun. Des. Q. Rev Huntsman, Sherena; Colton, Jared S.; Phillips, Christopher
Predictive Aspect-Based Sentiment Classification of Online Tourist Reviews J. Inf. Sci. Afzaal, Muhammad; Usman, Muhammad; Fong, Alvis
Exploring High-Order User Preference on the Knowledge Graph for Recommender Systems ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Wang, Hongwei; Zhang, Fuzheng; Wang, Jialin; Zhao, Miao; Li, Wenjie; Xie, Xing; Guo, Minyi
Scholars’ Perceptions of Relevance in Bibliography-Based People Recommender System Comput. Supported Coop. Work Olshannikova, Ekaterina; Olsson, Thomas; Huhtamäki, Jukka; Yao, Peng
A Knowledge-Based Model for Managing the Ontology Evolution: Case Study of Maintenance in SONATRACH J. Inf. Sci. Sad-Houari, Nawal; Taghezout, Noria; Nador, Aissa
Memory-Augmented Dialogue Management for Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Zhang, Zheng; Huang, Minlie; Zhao, Zhongzhou; Ji, Feng; Chen, Haiqing; Zhu, Xiaoyan
Professional Development Learning Environments (PDLEs) Embedded in a Collaborative Online Learning Environment (COLE): Moving towards a New Conception of Online Professional Learning Education and Information Technologies vanOostveen, Roland; Desjardins, François; Bullock, Shawn