How to Create a Slideshow
Описание | Как создать слайд-шоу - советы по организации |
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Среды и средства для приготовления рецепта: | Scratch |
Slideshows are a very common type of presentation that conveys information in a series of informational graphics and texts. There are multiple ways to create a slideshow and have it switch slides. Additionally, one may find it useful to integrate more elaborate designs into their slideshows such as animations or transitions between slides to slide.
For the purposes of brevity, this tutorial will demonstrate how to switch to different slides using the arrow keys, which is one of the most common ways to move from one slide to the next. It will also show how to integrate a popular transition known as fading while moving when switching slides.
Programming a slideshow project can occur at any time of the production process.
Green Flag Script
Build this script for when the Green Flag is clicked.
when gf clicked switch costume to (costume1 v) go to x: (10) y: (-10) set [is clone? v] to [0] //"is clone?" is a local variable. create clone of (myself v) hide forever if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then broadcast (last v) wait until <not <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> else if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then broadcast (next v) wait until <not <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> end end
Next Broadcast
This script commences when the right arrow is pressed.
when I receive [next v] if <(is clone?) = [0]> then next costume go to x: (10) y: (-10) create clone of (myself v) else repeat (20) change x by (-1) change y by (1) change [ghost v] effect by (10) end delete this clone end
Last Broadcast
This script commences when the left arrow is pressed.
when I receive [last v] if <(is clone?) = [0]> then next costume go to x: (-30) y: (30) create clone of (myself v) else repeat (20) change x by (1) change y by (-1) change [ghost v] effect by (10) end delete this clone end
Clone Starting
This is the script when a clone is created.
when I start as a clone show go to [back v] layer set [is clone? v] to [1] set [ghost v] effect to (100) if <(y position) = [30]> then repeat (20) change [ghost v] effect by (-10) change x by (1) change y by (-1) end else repeat (20) change [ghost v] effect by (-10) change x by (-1) change y by (1) end end
This image can be used as the backdrop:
Backdrops often are single-colored, and usually black or white.
Images can also be used as a backdrop, however, this is often discouraged as it tends to be distracting to viewers and text may not be easily seen.
Design Tips
For best results to viewers, slideshows should follow these guidelines:
- Avoid distracting transitions, formats, texts, backdrops, or images. Even though it may add uniqueness to a presentation, it takes away a viewer's attention to the important content.
- Instead, opt for a simpler format with contrasting colors (for example, text should be either black or white and contrasting to the backdrop).
- Presentations that use animations that "flow" (such as a portion of content being displayed one at a time) is generally not distracting and may help a viewer focus on that specific point. Again, keep in mind that this will depend on the type of animation that is in the project.
- If presenting a project in a public setting such as a school, consider making the points and content as concise as possible. A presenter will often elaborate on those points in their talk.
- Have a mix of images, text, and diagrams - no one wants to look at a wall of text or out-of-context images.
- Make sure texts and images are easy to read, even from far away. Testing ease of visibility by not using full screen and looking slightly farther from the computer screen can help gauge whether the content needs to be enlarged or not.