How to Create a Sphere with Pen
Материал из Поле цифровой дидактики
Версия от 01:17, 1 февраля 2022; scratch>Ssvbxx (Sorted some things)
This article explains how to create a sphere with pen in Scratch.
The Process
Method One: Using a Light Source
Step 1: Create a sprite which will be the "Light Source", and create the pen sprite.
Step 2: Create the following code in the pen sprite:
when gf clicked generate sphere of size (100) define generate sphere of size (sphere size) set [v v] to [0] repeat (sphere size) create circle of size (v) // Remember to check the "run without screen refresh"! change [v v] by (0.01) end define create circle of size (circle size) repeat (360) pen down set pen color to (5) // The color of the sphere set pen (brightness v) to ((100)-(distance to [Light Source v])) turn right (1) degrees move (circle size) steps end
Method Two: Pen Sprite Only
Step 1: Create the pen sprite.
Step 2: Do the same as Step 2, method 1, but replace the last script with this one:
define create circle of size (circle size) repeat (360) move (circle size) steps pen down set pen color to (5) // reddish orange set pen (brightness v) to ([sqrt v] of ((((center x) - (x position)) * ((center x) - (x position))) + (((center y) - (y position)) * ((center y) - (y position))))) // Remember, (center x) is the x position of where it will be shaded, and (center y) is the y position of where it will be shaded. turn right (1) degrees end
Method 3: Wireframe
Another method for a wireframe 3d sphere is shown below:
define go to (x :: custom-arg) (y :: custom-arg) (z :: custom-arg) (rc_x :: custom-arg) (rc_y :: custom-arg) (rc_z :: custom-arg) (r_x :: custom-arg) (r_y :: custom-arg) (r_z :: custom-arg) (cam_x :: custom-arg) (cam_y :: custom-arg) (cam_z :: custom-arg) (fs :: custom-arg) go to x: ((((((((x :: custom-arg) - (rc_x :: custom-arg)) * ([cos v] of (r_y :: custom-arg))) - (((z :: custom-arg) - (rc_z :: custom-arg)) * ([sin v] of (r_y :: custom-arg)))) * ([cos v] of (r_z :: custom-arg))) - (((((y :: custom-arg) - (rc_y :: custom-arg)) * ([cos v] of (r_x :: custom-arg))) - (((((x :: custom-arg) - (rc_x :: custom-arg)) * ([sin v] of (r_y :: custom-arg))) + (((z :: custom-arg) - (rc_z :: custom-arg)) * ([cos v] of (r_y :: custom-arg)))) * ([sin v] of (r_x :: custom-arg)))) * ([sin v] of (r_z :: custom-arg)))) - (cam_x :: custom-arg)) * ((fs :: custom-arg) / ((fs :: custom-arg) + (((((y :: custom-arg) - (rc_y :: custom-arg)) * ([sin v] of (r_x :: custom-arg))) + (((((x :: custom-arg) - (rc_x :: custom-arg)) * ([sin v] of (r_y :: custom-arg))) + (((z :: custom-arg) - (rc_z :: custom-arg)) * ([cos v] of (r_y :: custom-arg)))) * ([cos v] of (r_x :: custom-arg)))) - (cam_z :: custom-arg))))) y: ((((((((x :: custom-arg) - (rc_x :: custom-arg)) * ([cos v] of (r_y :: custom-arg))) - (((z :: custom-arg) - (rc_z :: custom-arg)) * ([sin v] of (r_y :: custom-arg)))) * ([sin v] of (r_z :: custom-arg))) + (((((y :: custom-arg) - (rc_y :: custom-arg)) * ([cos v] of (r_x :: custom-arg))) - (((((x :: custom-arg) - (rc_x :: custom-arg)) * ([sin v] of (r_y :: custom-arg))) + (((z :: custom-arg) - (rc_z :: custom-arg)) * ([cos v] of (r_y :: custom-arg)))) * ([sin v] of (r_x :: custom-arg)))) * ([cos v] of (r_z :: custom-arg)))) - (cam_y :: custom-arg)) * ((fs :: custom-arg) / ((fs :: custom-arg) + (((((y :: custom-arg) - (rc_y :: custom-arg)) * ([sin v] of (r_x :: custom-arg))) + (((((x :: custom-arg) - (rc_x :: custom-arg)) * ([sin v] of (r_y :: custom-arg))) + (((z :: custom-arg) - (rc_z :: custom-arg)) * ([cos v] of (r_y :: custom-arg)))) * ([cos v] of (r_x :: custom-arg)))) - (cam_z :: custom-arg))))) define Loop erase all set [i v] to [0] repeat (12) set [j v] to [90] repeat (6) Line ((([cos v] of (i)) * (100)) * ([cos v] of (j))) (([sin v] of (j)) * (100)) (((([sin v] of (i)) * (100)) * ([cos v] of (j))) + (5000)) ((([cos v] of (i)) * (100)) * ([cos v] of ((j) + (30)))) (([sin v] of ((j) + (30))) * (100)) (((([sin v] of (i)) * (100)) * ([cos v] of ((j) + (30)))) + (5000)) :: custom change [j v] by (30) end change [i v] by (30) end set [j v] to [120] repeat (5) set [i v] to [0] repeat (12) Line ((([cos v] of (i)) * (100)) * ([cos v] of (j))) (([sin v] of (j)) * (100)) (((([sin v] of (i)) * (100)) * ([cos v] of (j))) + (5000)) ((([cos v] of ((i) + (30))) * (100)) * ([cos v] of (j))) (([sin v] of (j)) * (100)) (((([sin v] of ((i) + (30))) * (100)) * ([cos v] of (j))) + (5000)) :: custom change [i v] by (30) end change [j v] by (30) end define Line (X1 :: custom-arg) (Y1 :: custom-arg) (Z1 :: custom-arg) (X2 :: custom-arg) (Y2 :: custom-arg) (Z2 :: custom-arg) go to (X1 :: custom-arg) (Y1 :: custom-arg) (Z1 :: custom-arg) :: custom pen down go to (X2 :: custom-arg) (Y2 :: custom-arg) (Z2 :: custom-arg) :: custom pen up when green flag clicked set pen color to [#632d99] set pen size to (5) forever Loop :: custom end define go to (x :: custom-arg) (y :: custom-arg) (z :: custom-arg) go to (x :: custom-arg) (y :: custom-arg) (z :: custom-arg) (0) (0) (5000) (mouse y) ((mouse x) / (3)) (0) (0) (0) (0) (240) :: custom
- Method One: projects:249646288
- Method Three: projects:580400009