Use collaborative technologies to connect with others, including peers, experts and community members, to learn about issues and problems

Материал из Поле цифровой дидактики
Версия от 22:45, 20 сентября 2019; Patarakin (обсуждение | вклад)
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Описание компетенции
Type of Literacy Digital, Цифровая"Цифровая" is not in the list (Cultural, Digital, Ecological, Economic, Financial, Medical, Psychological, Technological, Финансовая, Экологическая, ...) of allowed values for the "TypeLiteracy" property.
Возрастная категория
FieldActivity Global Collaborator
KSP Skills
Источник ISTE
Language_Ru_Eng English
Год публикации
Среды и средства для формирования

Students use collaborative technologies to connect with others, including peers, experts and community members, to learn about issues and problems or to gain broader perspective.